The One Finally in Hawaii

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Evie's pov

I sat on the boat miserable. We haven't been on this boat for 2 hours and I'm already feeling sick. I heard Rachel throw up over the boat multiple times.

"Ross I can't tell you how much of a great idea this was. We might as well have swam to Hawaii." Chandler said sitting next to me rubbing my back slightly. I chuckled. Ross ignored him. He was too busy focusing on Rachel. I rubbed my temples and sighed. I should've stayed home.

"How are you not sick?" I asked Chandler. He shrugged.

"When my father would put on 'shows' some of them were on boas and I had to... perform with him.." he said shaking his head. I chuckled.

"So you were a mini drag queen?" I said. His eyes widened.

"What! God no! I was more of a....." he couldn't make an excuse and I smirked.

"I think I see land!" Joey yelled from the other side of the boat. I looked at Ross confused. I thought we would arrive tomorrow..

"Wait no false alarm!" I rolled my eyes.

"It's getting late lets get some sleep." Chandler said pulling me along and into a small room.

"Chandler.. there's no bed." I said. He sighed.

"I fucking hate Ross." Chandler whispered. I giggled.

"I'll be right back," I said and walked into Ross's cabin.

"Ross?" I said

"Yea what's up?" He said smiling.

"We have no bed! There is no bed to sleep on!" I yelled and he jumped.

"What do you mean no bed?" He asked confused. I pulled him into Chandler and I's room and he pursed his lips together.

"Well I.. um... I told you we should have flew!" He said and ran out of the room. I looked at Chandler and he just shook his head.

"Let's just sleep, soon we will be in Hawaii and we will have a real bed we're we can sleep... and do other things.." he said and I giggled and kissed him. He smiled and held me close.

"I love you Eve." He said pulling away.

"I love you too." I said and we slept on the floor holding each other.

"Wake up! We have arrived in Hawaii! Wake up!" I jumped awake and saw Ross at the door yelling.

"What the hell?!" I said getting out of Chandlers grip. He yawned and stood up.

"Were here lets go!" He said and I put on my jacket and grabbed my suit case pushing Monica and Phoebe out the way and landing on sand.

"Thank god!" I yelled and fell down on the sand.

"Man I think she loves sand more than you Chandler." Joey said teasing. Chandler rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's go check in." He said and I got up and followed them inside. We checked in and Chandler and I got to our room.

"Man this room is amazing." I said looking at the balcony.

"Not as amazing as you." He said. I laughed.

"Could you be anymore cheesier?" I asked. He chuckled and fell on the bed. I sat next to him.

"Ross wants to go to the beach." Chandler said.

"Then he can go alone. I'm staying on this very comfortable bed." I said laying next to him. He turned to face me and I looked over at him.

"We should do it." He said and I laughed out loud and his bluntness.

"Is that how you ask all the women to have sex with you?" I said laughing. He blushed and I moved closer to him.

"Only the beautiful ones." He said flirting. I blushed.

"Ya we should do it." I said and he pulled me toward him and started to kiss me. I kissed back and I was now practically straddling him. He moved his hands up my sides motioning me to take off my shirt and I tugged off my jacket and broke the heated make out session to pull off my shirt. He looked down at my breasts and I blushing hiding myself.

"Don't be ashamed.. your so beautiful.." he said moving my arms away. I tried to look anywhere but his eyes but his gaze on my made me stare back. I leaned down and kissed him again.







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