The One Where it Becomes Official

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Evie's pov

We couldn't keep our hands off each other. First it was just kissing once or twice... every hour now we are currently making out on Monica's couch. It was getting very heated when we heard the door handle twist. We stopped panicking and squished together on the couch laying down.

"Hello? Monica! Evie!" It was Rachel. I quickly buttoned up my top and got up. 'Yawning'

"Hey Rach, just taking a nap.

"Hey- whoa your hair looks," she made a face, I didn't think about my hair. I quickly went to the bathroom and fixed my hair and went back out . Chandler sat up.

"I should go, I have some errands to run but I'll see you later." He said. He got up and we kissed taking longer than necessary and then he left. I smiled squealing.

"Oh. My. God." She said. I turned around slowly and looked at Rachel.

"So uh I like your blouse. Chanel?" I said trying to change the conversation before it happened.

"You and Chandler. What! That's crazy! I mean we all knew he was practically in love with you but we didn't think he'd actually do anything about it. I owe Ross 10 bucks." She said disappointed.

"I don't know it just happened, some how even with the good parts with Tom, Chandlers just so different a good different." I said dreamily.

"Oh my gosh Evie your so in love it's adorable. Does any one else know? Are you guys dating now? What's the label?" She asked.

"Well actually he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend," I said kinda sad. Even though we were together he never asked. It would have been nice.

"What why? If your kissing every time one of you leaves he should be saying ya I'm her boyfriend. But he can't say that until he asks." Rachel said.

"You know Chandlers got a problem with commitment so maybe this is his way of easing into it." I said, now I was paranoid what if I was his side girl. What if he was using me. Only negative thoughts flooded my mind.

"Oh sweetie don't beat yourself up over this. You know he likes you and obviously you like him so you have nothing to worry about." She said trying to reassure me. I nodded but I still felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Even after Tom and I broke up I've been paranoid every time I date now ill be cheated on. I knew it was crazy but I still felt like it would happen. I mean it already did so why wouldn't it again.

"Honey I'm going to run out and buy some groceries, is there anything you need?" Rachel asked.

"No I'm fine," I said sitting on the couch watching tv. She soon left and I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by being covered by a blanket. I looked up slightly to see Chandler.

"Chandler..." I mumbled.

"Hey, do you want to go to bed?" He asked, I nodded and he swooped me up from the couch and brought me to my bedroom. He laid me down carefully and I held onto his hand.

"Please stay," I whispered. I could partially see his smiling face.

"Ok I'll be right back I promise," he said and he left quickly to change. But by the time he left I was already asleep. When he came back in more comfortable clothes on he peaked in to see me passed out. He still came in hand got under the blanket with me and soon drifted off as well.

I woke up to a squeeze around my waist and my eyes fluttered open. I looked down to see a pair of arms around me. I turned a little bit to see Chandler softly snoring. I smiled. But then my mood dampened. My conversation last night with Rachel lingered in my head. I moved his arms carefully and got up and left my room. Once again everyone was here.

"Don't you people have your own houses?" I said sitting next to Joey.

"Yes but yours always has a stocked refrigerator." Joey commented. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey has anyone seen Chandler I haven't seen him since last night." Ross asked looking over at us from the dining area. Rachel gave me a look and I ignored it.

"No as a matter a fact I haven't maybe he got some last night." Monica said making pancakes.

"No I don't think he'd do that." I said watching tv. I felt upset.

"You never know he's not in any official relationship." Rachel said giving me the same look.

"How would you know maybe he's got someone knows about." I glared at her. She raised her hands in surrender.

"I was just saying. There he is." She said looking to see him come out of the bathroom.

"Dude did you sleep in there?" Ross said.

"Yes Ross it's much more comfortable than my own bed." He said sarcastically sitting on the other side of Joey on the couch.

"No but seriously how did you get in here?" Monica said.

"I have my ways," he said winking at me. I blushed and looked away watching tv.

"Anyway, I got work," Monica said finishing up breakfast,

"Oh me too lots of bones at the museum today." Ross said excited.

"I've got an audition today for this great role," Joey said looking at the time.

"Gotta go." He said and Ross and Monica left with him. I glanced at Rachel who gave me the 'I'll let you two be alone' face.

"Come on Phoebe I need a massage." She said pulling her out of the apartment.

"So, how'd you sleep." Chandler asked cheekily.

"Ehh, could've been better." I teased.

"Haha." He said.

"Chandler?" I said. He looked up at me.

"Yes?" He said. I got up and sat next to him.

"Are we... dating? Like boyfriend,girlfriend the whole official thing?" I asked nervously. Rachel's comments had been on my mind.

"Um well I would guess so, we did confess our love for each other so I would say yes. Girlfriend." He said. I smiled.

"Good, Boyfriend." I said and kissed him the door opened and Rachel peaked her head in.

"Oh my God!" Phoebe exclaimed. We jumped apart.

"Oh Phoebe, you weren't supposed to make any noise." Rachel said to her. Chandler and I sat there listening to Phoebes rant. But all I could think about was Chandler, my boyfriend.

Bing? //Friends Chandler Bing fanfiction//Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin