The One Where The Truth Comes Out Accidently

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Evie's pov

I woke up the next morning on Monica's couch. I sat up not remembering how I got here. Then I heard the door open and I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep. Whoever it was walked forward and I could feel the presence over the couch.

"Don't wake her up, Chandler had to carry her back inside from the party." I heard Rachel say.

"You speak like I'm not here," Chandler muttered.

"Well most of the time you never pay attention so someone has to." Ross said. What were they all doing here.

"So how was the party?" Rachel said.

"It was okay I wasn't able to tell her how I felt people kept interrupting." He said and my eyes snapped open. What the actual fuck. My surprised face couldn't be hidden.

"Well when are you gonna tell her? Morning Joey." I heard the door open and close again.

"Mm" he muttered coming over to the couch. I felt pressure start on me when it suddenly was gone.

"Evie's asleep on the couch you dong." Chandler said.

"Oh speaking of Evie did you guys.." Joey said from what I heard I could only guess he was making sexual references. I blushed as he said in the chair next to the couch.

"No I'm gonna tell her today maybe I don't know. What if she rejects me?" He said. I frowned. Why would I reject him. I mean the only romantic encounter we had was when we almost kissed.

"Why would she, I mean she's never talked about you that way but you never know she might be secretly in love with you." Ross said and my eyes snapped open once again connecting with Joeys.

His face turned to surprise and shock. I put a finger up to my lips and he shook his head. I have him a glare and nodded.

"Well maybe she already knows you know." Joey said nervously. I stopped him by yawning and sitting up 'waking up'

"Oh morning Joey." I said turning to the three.

"Morning." I said standing up. I looked at Chandler and blushed. I scurried off to my room and silently freaked out.

Did I like Chandler that way. I always thought he was attractive and I could totally see myself with him. But was I ready for another relationship. It's only been about a two months since Tom and I don't want to use Chandler as a rebound. Maybe I'll avoid him till I know for sure. Ya, that sounds like a good plan.

I heard a knock and opened the door it was Joey. I let him in and shut it.

"You know." He said pointing at me.

"I know" I nodded.


"So what?"

"Are you in love with him?" Joey asked quietly. I didn't know how to answer.

"I don't know, I mean I always kinda had a thing for him but I don't know if that's love." I said honestly.

"Well are you gonna tell him?" He asked.

"No not until I know for sure." I paused and then a light bulb went off in my head. I just then realized someone who could help me. I looked up to Joey confidently.

"But I know someone who can help me figure it out." I said going to leave.

"Wait!" He yelled but then covered his mouth.


"What about me what am I supposed to say?" He asked.

"Nothing. You will say nothing." I pointed at him sternly. He made that 'come on' face but before he could say anything else I left shitting the door. Monica, Rachel, Ross and Chandler were now all up and I smiled.

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