The One with the Loud Drunk

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Eve's pov

After my chat with Mr. Harvey I kept walking around the streets until about 2 am. I had been to at least 4 bars and was kicked out of all of them. Apparently I'm a very loud drunk.

I had sobered up a bit but could still feel the buzz. I started to head back to the apartment and stopped inside Central Perk.

"Can I have 1...2...3 espressos?" I ask holding up the number on my hand. Gunther looked at me skeptically and nodded. I smiled and he handed me the cup. I smiled and gave him a ten and sat on the couch. I took a small bottle out of my pocket and poured it in the cup.

I didn't notice the person sitting next to me till I looked over.

"It's for the migraines." I said slurping my words a bit smiling. She gave me a weird look and left the couch leaving me to myself. I. Carefully stirred the drink spilling some on my self.

"Fuck!" I yelled and Gunther gave me a earring look.

"My bad. Oh shit." I said spilling more. I decided to just drink half of it down mainly getting the taste of whiskey and vodka. I took small sips and felt myself getting less and less sober. I finished my drink and sat there.

"Do you here the people sing? Singing the song of angry men..." I repeated a couple lines of the le miserable play. Gunther came over.

"Do you want me to call someone for you?" He asked looking at his watch.

"Noooo.. it's only like..." I paused looking at my wrist which didn't have a watch in it.

"Some time I'm just gonna relax here for a while." I said patting the couch. He nodded and went to call someone anyway.

"Hey don't you call anyone! I'll shave that dyed blond hair straight off." I threatened and he rolled his eyes. I went back to ignoring him and played with my hair. Maybe I need a hair cut.

"Hey Gunther.. I'll see you tomorrow. Gonna get me a new do." I said ruffling my own hair. I left the perk and went to the barber shop.

---Chandlers pov----

All of us had been worried when Eve hadn't come back. I couldn't believe Monica right now. She slapped her own sister. The whole gang sat in Monica's living room when the phone went off. I immediately grabbed it.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey it's Gunther, I'm just calling to get someone to pick up Evelyn she's a bit drunk and loud come as soon as possible." He said hung up. I got up and grabbed my coat.

"Uh where are you going?" Rachel asked.

"To pick up Evie she's at the coffee shop." I made Joey get up and come as well when I saw Monica get up to.

"Where are you going?" I asked rude.

"To get Eve." She said obviously.

"No you've done enough, if anything it should be Ross coming." I said and she sat back down hurt but I Goulding give two craps at the moment. I just wanted Eve home safe.

Joey and I left going to the shop and she was nowhere to be found.

"What the hell Gunther you said she was here." I said to him.

"You just missed her she left going to get a new do or something check the barber shop." He said giving some money back to a customer. I then dragged Joey back out on the streets.

---Eves pov---

I banged on the barber shop door.

"Hello! Customer waiting to get a hair cut!" I said banging on it. I huffed and sat down in front of the door. I fondled with the buttons on my jacket when I heard running. I pulled up my fingers in a gun position pointing it at the two men.

"I have a gun!" I yelled and they stepped into the light. It was Joey and Chandler.

"Oh hey guys! Why didn't you tell me it was you.. I could have shot you." I said 'putting away' my gun. Chandler sighed and Joey chuckled. I stood up wobbly. Chandler and Joey caught me.

"Thanks guys really you guys are great." I said breathing on Joey.

"Man Eve how much did you drink." He said making a face. I smiled.

"Um maybe 6 or 9... wait there was the one at the shop so... 12." I said smiling. Joey shook his head and Chandler was focused on holding me up.

"You know if your having trouble you could just ask Josh to carry me." I said looking at him.

"It's Joey and I can carry you, it's just your alcohol weight holding me down." He said sarcastically. I felt myself tear up.

"Are you calling me fat?" I cried and pulled myself out of there grips and walked in front of them swaying badly.

"No I didn't mean.. your great Eve let's just get you home so you can sleep it's almost...4 am." Chandler said. I huffed. I don't want to walk anymore. So I stopped holding my arms out. I waited for someone to pick me up. It was Joey. I looked at Chandler who looked exhausted. For a moment I felt bad for making him worry. I put my hand towards him and grazed his hand. He got the idea and put his hand in mine. I smiled.

"I love you Chandler." I said drifting off to sleep. He smiled.

"I love you too."

When I woke up I was in my bed still wearing the clothes from the night before. I felt a pulsating headache and cringed and the pain. I saw an Advil and water next to my bed and downed it quickly. I put on some other comfortable clothes and went out into the living room. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8 pm. I heard the door open and it was Ross and Rachel.

"Well good morning starshine." Rachel said lowly. Thank her later.

"Yes how's that hangover miss 3 espressos?" Ross chuckled.

"Never again, will I mix coffee and alcohol." I said rubbing my temples. They sat down and laughed.

"You were gone until four am, you slept 16 hours." Ross said. My eyes widened.

"Wow, last night was crazy." I said.

"Do you remember what happened at all?" Rachel said. I nodded.

"I'm gifted with remembering my drunken mistakes." I said sighing.

"I got kicked out of 4 bars." I added chuckling to myself.

"4 bars?!" Ross laughed. And then the door opened and Chandler and Monica walked in, which was kinda confusing.

"Hey Babe." I said to Chandler ignoring Monica's presence. He came up and kissed me.

"You taste like whiskey still ." He said kissing my forehead.

"Hey Mon how was work?" Rachel asked.

"Did you slap anyone!?" I yelled loud enough for her to here and Rachel gave me the 'really' look and I shrugged.

"Good we got two new employees and a A column in The NY Times." She said excited.

"So abuse gets rewarded, Chandler would you like me to slap you?" I asked sarcastically. I knew I was being bitchy but I was still pretty mad. Chandler shook his head laughing. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Monica's face masked with guilt but I ignored her. The awkward silence had filled the room.

"So I had an interesting day, we made a discovery about the Ankylosaurus-" Ross started but Chandler grabbed my hand and pulled me out of he apartment.

"Save yourselves!" He yelled to the rest and slammed the door. 

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