The One with the RoadTrip

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Eve's pov

I walked outside next to the rest of the gang to see a big white van.

"You brought us a rape van?" Chandler asked Ross who just rolled his eyes.

"No... its a vacation van! We are going on a vacation!" He yelled happily.

"Ya to where the dog fights?" Rachel asked looking at the van suspiciously.

"I don't know about you guys but this van could hold a lot of meatball subs..." Joey said looking inside it.

"Ok but seriously where are we going?" I asked Ross.

"Well Hawaii." He said. I nodded.

"Yes lets go to Hawaii I know many natives there." Phoebe said. We looked at her weird but it was normal.

"Alright you guys go pack be here back in an hour so we can get this trip started." He said doing a weird dance. I slowly backed up.

"Ya alright.. come on Chandler let's go pack." I pulled him with me and Ross stopped the awful 'moves'

When we got back inside the I went to my room and started packing. I picked out some bathing suits and packed some shirts and shorts. When I finished I waited outside Chandlers apartment. I was looking at a magazine when I heard the door open.

"Hey babe we should try that thing you wanted to do yesterday in Hawaii. Sex on the beach sounds fun." I said finally looking up to see not Chandler but Joey.

"Whatever you want girl I'm down." He said smirking I rolled my eyes.

"Ya right. I thought you were Chandler don't even think about what I just said." I said and closed the magazine. Then Chandler decided to come out.

"Hey babe." I smiled at him.

"Dude, if she offers sex on the beach take it." Joey said and went downstairs. Chandler gave me a look and I shook my head.

"Don't even ask." I said and I pulled him downstairs. When we got to the van I realised there were 6 of us and a dozen suit cases thanks to Rachel.

"Ok seating arrangements me and Rachel in the front you four in the back with the suit cases." Ross said and piled out suit cases up leaving little to no room.

"You know Monica if you have to sit on my lap I'm ok with it." Joey said winking at her.

"that may actually have to happen look there's like no room." I said. Ross got in the driver and yelled at us to hurry up. We got in and I was sitting on Chandlers lap.

"Wait!" I yelled making Chandler flinch. Ross made the van stop.

"Where's Phoebe?" I asked. The others looked t me confused. Then I saw Pheobes head poke in front of the passenger mirror scaring us all.

"I'm strapped on top you guys keep going." She said and then disappeared. We looked at each other. What the actual fuck phoebe..

"Hey you know what I just realized?" Chandler asked me. I looked At him.

"We can't drive to Hawaii." He said I looked at him realising the same.

"Hey how are we getting to Hawaii we can't drive." I yelled to Ross.

"We are taking a boat." He said excited.

"A.. boat..." I said confused.

"Yes we are going to drive for a while and then hop on a boat." He said going back to driving.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to fly." Monica asked.

"To expensive!" Ross yelled. I rolled my eyes. Cheap.

The next hour and a half included the four of us trying not to fall over and die.

"Ross is the worst driver ever." Monica said I nodded in agreement. Then Ross's head poked out from the passenger side.

"Um rude.. Rachel's driving she's been driving for like an hour and a half so I could sleep." He said. Our eyes widened.

"Then Rachel is the worst driver ever!" Joey exclaimed.  We all nodded.

"Hey guys-" Rachel turned around not paying attention to the road.

"Turn around!" We all yelled and she quickly went back to somewhat paying attention to the road. I felt noxious.

"You ok babe?" Chandler asked.

"Just feeling like I want to throw up." I said and he squirmed from under me. I rolled my eyes. Baby. I saw there was enough room for someone to sit on the floor so I took it. My butt was in Chandlers face for a moment. Then on the ground.

"I bet that's not new." Joey said at the action. I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, gross." Chandler said and stretched a bit. Monica was practically sleeping on Joey. He didn't seem to mind because all he did was try and look at her bra.

Then the next 4 hours went by and we came to a stop. I sat up and climbed over Rachel and opened the door falling out.

"Freedom. I love you guys but I Can't stand being so close to y'all for 6 hours." I said standing up. Phoebe hoped off the top.

"wow what a ride. That was great." She smiled. Everyone else looked miserable.

"Now to the boat." Ross said and some sailors pulled the van on board and we got on.

"Um Ross honey.. how long are we gonna be on this boat?" Rachel asked.

"We will be there tomorrow morning." He said. I looked at Chandler.

"The next time we vacation some where you and I are flying."

Bing? //Friends Chandler Bing fanfiction//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora