A Christmas Miracle

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Okay, let me just get you readers straight to the point. I'm sitting beside my window, gazing at the snow falling hard outside in my room. I slowly take a sip of my hot cocoa thinking about how my life was fantastic!

I admit that was just crap because that is totally what I wished would've happened except........ I wasn't drinking hot cocoa and thinking about how my life was fantastic. Instead, I had a quilt blanket wrapped around my head because of my bad hair day and was sobbing. And it didn't help that it was so cold. If you were ever in my room, you would see a pile of tissues with tears and snots. I know. Gross.

If you're a guy reading this, deal with it. Be grateful we girls don't cry in front of you because girls hate crying in front of boys. But well, we do cry a hell lot more because of them. And then as I looked up, sniffing, two little birds huddled together on a branch and I burst into tears again.

You obviously want to know why I'm crying because come on. Who wants to listen to someone blowing her nose the whole time.

So this is what happened. I still remember clearly about a year ago, the snow was wet and slushy and my boots became soaked after only trekking about a mile to Cafe Coffee Day. It was treacherous for a car to drive on this road. There wasn't even a road! My collegue, Tegan, joined me near Gracetown. She lived nearer to Cafe Coffee Day and was an annoyingly happy person.

"Hey, Taylor. Pretty early on a snowy day for CCD to open up. We might be lookin' like an angel from space since this will be the only store getting lighted up!" See what I told you about annoyingly happy?

"Yeah, well I sure hope boss can give us more time to sleep before coming to work here." At long last, I reached the door and snow had piled up in front of it. We spent half an hour, trying to shove it aside and me listening to Tegan groan. My mitten gloves were soaked and I could feel the cold seeping through it, making my fingers chilled. When Tegan unlocked the door, I entered the warm, cozy atmosphere. I immediately plopped down onto their plush red chairs and rested my feet on the table.

"Swift, legs off the table." Tegan raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, come on. Give me a break. Can't a girl have freedom for a while when she's just been asked out by the hottest boy in town."

"No. Wait-what? You mean, Alex? The McDreamy guy?" I smirked and nodded at her. She shot me down with her usual aplomb. "That doesn't offend me in the least."

"What do you-Ohhhhhh." I felt my eyes widen and I stood up to hug her. "I'm so sorry about you and Trys."

"He's nothing to me anymore."

"Then why do you say that?"

"Tay, you know I've had a crush on Alex." I could only gape at her. Heat rose to her cheeks.

"I-I didn't-I'm so sorry-I mean I should probably cancel the date with him."

"No no no! Don't." She smiled. "I'm happy for you."

"Okay, I won't open my mouth about him."

She chuckled. "It's always hard to close your mouth about McDreamy."

"True..." I gave a lopsided smile. She waved it away and went to put on her apron, getting the coffee machines worked up.

"Good morning sunshines." I would recognize that voice anywhere. I was hovering over the drawer to get some cups and Tegan was attending to him. Except she had frozen. Looks like the cold must've gotten to her. I looked up and swallowed. I couldn't help my eyes from staring at his muscles popping out of his leather jacket. Alex. He caught me staring and smirked. My cheeks flushed with color and I quickly turned my back to him. I knew Tegan liked him so I wanted her to talk to him. I mean what was there to lose? He already asked me out.

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