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Josh tapped his fingers against the counter as he glanced at the clock for the third time in the past five minutes. It was a slow day at the store and Pete was at lunch with Patrick so Josh was bored out of his mind. Pete wouldn't be back for at least another twenty minutes and knowing Pete it would probably be around forty so he decided to go start restocking the shelves that he and Pete planned on doing together.

After about ten minutes of restocking the bell on the door rang and to Josh's surprise when he looked towards the door his eyes were met with Tyler's dark brown eyes. He smiled as as Tyler walked to meet Tyler walked to meet him near the back of the store. "Hey, what are you doing here? Didn't you have tryouts today?" Josh asked when Tyler stood in front of him.

A small blush accompanied by a smile graced Tyler's face. "Yeah I just got done and I uh... thought I'd come see you." The blush on his cheeks deepened and Josh couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. The high school wasn't close to the music store so Tyler had clearly gone out of his way to come see Josh.

"How'd they go?" Josh asked as he went back to restocking some CDs, the smile still on his lips.

"I think they went really well. Dallon said I did really good and he's been on the team for three years so that's good." Tyler replied, his smile now apparent too.

"That's great." Josh considered hugging Tyler but decided against it because it would probably be awkward.

"So what are you up to now?" Tyler asked, eyeing the box of CDs Josh was currently putting away.

"Just restocking. Pete was supposed to help but he's at lunch with Patrick so I thought I'd just do it." The box was barely a quarter of the way empty and he still had two more boxes to be shelved. Tyler took a few steps closer and began helping Josh fill the nearly empty shelf. "What are you doing? You don't have to help me." Josh said but Tyler just shrugged his shoulders.

"You're right, I don't have to help you. But I want to and if I help you it gets done faster so I have more time to hang out with you." Josh smiled at this.

"Thanks." The two kept working in silence, the only sound coming from the music that played throughout the store. After about fifteen minutes they had emptied three quarters of the box. "Hey Ty,"

"Yeah?" He asked absent-mindedly as he reached for more CDs from the box between them.

"You wanna go out with me?" Josh asked simply. Did he really just do that?

Tyler's hands froze. The CDs nearly forgotten as his mind raced. Josh's anxiety grew as every second passed. Did he really just do that? How could be be so stupid someone like Tyler would never like him, god that was a mist- "Yeah." Tyler replied.

Yes. He said yes. Relief flooded over Josh and now he couldn't force back his smile. "Cool."

"Cool." Tyler repeated. He was smiling too.

They continued to work and just as they emptied the first box Pete and Patrick walked through the doors hand in hand. "Hey, sorry I'm late. We got a little dist- Oh, hey Tyler!" He exclaimed. Josh's friends had all told him about how much they liked Tyler. Patrick smiled and waved. He was always pretty quiet.

Tyler waved and said hi."Hey, we did one one box so the last one's for you guys. I'm taking my lunch break, come on Ty, I want to show you something cool." Tyler said a simple okay and they said their goodbyes as the exited.


Wow long time no update. I was really busy and stressed this past month but I decided I wanted to try and write something and it felt really nice so I'm going to try to update this quicker. Also, I spilled coffee on myself while writing this so that was fun.

Thanks for reading! Comment, vote and all that jazz if you liked it.

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