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As Tyler set the last box into the moving truck he let out a sigh. They had lived in this house for three years and it was Tyler's favorite. But relocation is just part of Army life. Or at least that's what his dad told him. He took one last look at the house where he spent most of his teenage years then got into the car with the rest of his family.

"So are you excited to go back to Columbus?" Kelly asked her son from the drivers seat of the car.

"Mom, I really don't remember it. I mean I was only three when we moved." Tyler replied but he really just didn't want to tell her the truth. He would have much rather stayed in North Carolina where he had made real friends and actually had a life. But he refrained from telling her this because he knew that is Dad's job was hard on her too. He was hardly ever home and when he was it wasn't for very long. Because of this Tyler and his brother, Zack helped her raise their other siblings and with whatever else she needed.

About seven hours later the car pulled into the driveway of their new house. Tyler was the first to exit the car. If he couldn't have his old house he was going to make sure he got the best room at his new house. As the rest of the Joseph family exited the car Tyler was already on the front steps pulling open the door. It was a house, Tyler was used to them. Throughout his whole sixteen years of life he had lived in nine different houses. After claiming his room he went back downstairs to help unload the moving truck. Their big furniture items hadn't come yet so they had completely unloaded the truck in about an hour.

Since Tyler couldn't really unpack his room without the rest of his stuff he decided to go take a walk. He wasn't really sure how long or far he had walked but he was now roaming the main streets of Columbus. He looked around at the stores stores around him when one caught his eye; a music store.


A/N: Okay so this was a super short chapter and its more of a prologue but new fic! I have some really good ideas of what I want this fic to be and i'm super excited for it. The chapters are going to switch POV's each time unless otherwise is said.

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