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The bleachers were filled with eager high schoolers, all excited for the first basketball game of the season. Josh was sitting near the front cheering on Tyler with the rest of their friends. The first game of the season was always packed and everyones excited screams echoed off the gym walls when the home team scored. Tyler didn't talk about basketball much so Josh really had no idea how amazing he was. He was on the varsity team and seemed to be one of the best players. The entire group screamed cheered whenever Tyler scored, leaving their throats raw by the end of the game.

After the game was over, they made their way down to the crowded gym floor to find Tyler. As soon as Josh found him he wrapped him in a tight hug. "Tyler, I'm so proud of you, I didn't know you could play basketball like that!"

Tyler blushed at Josh's words, clearly embarrassed by the praise "Thanks, it was nothing though." He said, his cheeks still dusted with blush. Josh released him from the hug, opting to hold his hand.

"Nothing? That was great we're really proud of you Ty!" Ashley praised.

"Yeah man, you killed it." Pete said, giving Tyler a pat on the back.

Josh was really happy that his friends actually liked Tyler. At first he was worried that they wouldn't want a new friend in their group but now he was starting to think they liked Tyler as much, if not more than him. He smiled at the thoughts of his favorite people getting along.

They stood talking about the game for a few minutes, which mainly consisted of complimenting Tyler and making his cheeks flush a light shade of red. Their conversation was interrupted when the tall guy from before, who Josh recognized as Dallon, came to get Tyler for a quick team picture.

When Tyler came back to the group he brought Dallon with him and introduced him to the small group. "So Dallon, we were about to take Tyler out to lunch to celebrate, do you want to come?" Hayley asked, she was always the nicest and most polite of the group. Dallon looked hesitant, not wanting to intrude but agreed to go after some encouragement from Tyler.

They chose a small diner that they had been going to for years. Tyler and Josh sat together with their fingers interlocked under the table, Pete and Patrick mirroring them from across the table. Josh thought back to the beginning of the year and how jealous he was of the latter couple, but now there was no jealousy because he had someone too.


Oh my, I'm so sorry, this chapter was really bad and really short. I needed a filler chapter and I'm honestly just trying to get the story done. I wouldn't expect anything amazing to come out of this fic and I honestly don't even like it anymore. I started a Ryden fic a little while ago and I'm really happy with how that ones going to turn out. If you want to read something better than this I recommend that one.

Thanks for reading! Comment, vote and all that Jazz if you liked it.

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