Chapter 5-Back From The Future

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Aspen sat in the lab, standing behind Adam with her arms around his waist, and Leo on his computer. Adam, Bree, and Chase were suited up in their mission suits, preparing for a mission.

"Okay, your mission supplies are packed, the schematics have been uploaded into Chase's chip, and your transport is on the way. Did I forget anything?" Donald asked.

"No." Bree said, "We'll just guess what the mission is and see how it all plays out." Adam and Chase laughed.

"Alright." Donald said, rolling his eyes. "A particle collider is a three-mile long underground facility where scientist --"

"Race subatomic particles at each other at light speed for energy experiments." Chase finished, before him and Donald started to giggle. "So cool."

"I know!"

"Please stop." Aspen mumbled in Adam's back. For the last three days, she had been staying up to finish missing assignments she had to turn in or she wouldn't get her credits for that year, so she was really tired lately.

"There is a particle collider in Berkeley that is accelerating out of control, and your mission is to shut it down."

"Oh ho! Awesome!" Adam exclaimed, turning to his siblings, and moving Aspen around to hug the front of him. "l hope one of us knows how to do that."

"Okay. We have to act quickly. The scientists that operate the facility --" He moved Leo, "Scuuuuse me -- have  already evacuated the control center, and if we don't shut it down in time, it will create a massive black hole that will implode the entire planet."

"Today?!" Leo and Aspen asked, giving each other looks.

"No, it's not gonna work. Today is Shelly Evans' birthday, and her mom makes the best cupcakes!" Leo said, and everyone turned to give him looks.

"He's just sayin'. That woman doesn't skimp on the sprinkles." Aspen finished for her best friend.

"Don't worry, Leo, Aspen, you will get your cupcakes." Donald said, walking over to the cyber desk to check a few things. "Adam, Bree, and Chase have all the training they need to shut the collider down."

"I don't know, Big D. I think these guys are gonna need some...." Leo raised his hands in the air. "Back-up!" He sang.

"Yeah, and that's why you're gonna be back-up!" Donald sang like Leo had done seconds before, "Here in the lab with me and Aspen." Donald replied.

"Oh, he said 'backup' and your said 'backup," Adam said innocently, while rubbing his arms up and down Aspen's back, and they gave him a look. "Saying things twice makes it funny! Oh! Saying things twice makes it fun --"

"Stop it!" Donald yelled.

Suddenly there was a flash and they could hear some guy scream as some scooter type thing flew out of thin air and landed on the floor of the lab. Everyone screamed and his behind each other. Chase pushed Aspen out of the way, sending her into Bree as he jumped in Adam's arms.

"Nobody panic!" Donald yelled over the noise. "Probably just the cable guy."

"Come on, Big D!" The guy said. "I just came from seven years in the future. Your time machine actually worked! It's me! Leo!" He pointed to Leo as he talked and they gasped, looking between the two.

"Whoa!" Adam said. "The cable guy's got the same name as you!"

"Wait," Leo said, slowly stepping away from Donald and over to his older self. "If you're really me, then you'd know the handshake Aspen and I came up with in case I ever became a spy."

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