Chapter Forty Five

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"You!" Said Harry.

Riddle lifted both his hands. "I'm quite harmless, I assure you."

He was still smiling and Harry noticed that the smile reached his eyes. His eyes looked completely different from the cold orbs they were before. They looked warm and humorous and smiling.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked finally.

"You and your friends happened, actually." Smiled Riddle. "And I can't really tell you how grateful I am."

"But... but we failed... we couldn't break your mother's curse."

"No, you couldn't. It was a brave plan, but it would never have worked. But it led me to discover the truth, about my future, about the curse that was on me. And then, before you left you went and tried to warn my father."

"He told you?"

"When I went home for the holidays. He was really shaken. I think that might have been the start. I really do not know how it broke, Harry. I can only tell you what it felt like."

The smile was gone now, and there was a bleak expression on Riddle's face.

"Was it awful?" Asked Harry.

"It was like waking up after a long nightmare. And suddenly, you realize that you feel complete, full of life, that you feel.... It was as if the black hole inside you that you never even knew was there was suddenly gone..." he smiled at Harry now, a warm smile. "It was the best feeling, like being born again."

"So, your father broke the spell."

"He did. Only he could have done it, I think. For no one else loved me as selflessly and as unconditionally. No one else loved me as I was, with all my imperfections and what my grandparents called my weirdness."

Harry digested this in silence. "I'm glad it all worked out."

"That's why I wanted to meet you today, of all days. I knew you would be back today. And I knew how confused you would be with all the changes. So, I thought I'd give you a brief outline of the major events that happened in your life."

Harry nodded. "I'd like that. Thank you." He paused. "Is your father still-"

Riddle shook his head. "Muggles don't live as long as wizards. He died a few years back. But he was happy. And it was painless. He died in his sleep." He paused. "He became quite obnoxious and insufferable when I became minister. Of course, he couldn't boast about it to anyone, but still..." he smiled. "My grandfather was alive then. Even he agreed that I wasn't a complete waste of space." He gave Harry a smile that was more of a grimace. "Enough about me. Are you ready to hear about your parents?"

Harry nodded, suddenly eager. "But how do you anything about them?"

"Your father is my Assistant. And he likes to talk. A lot. Especially about his family and friends. I just have to give him an occasional nudge." Riddle grinned. "Mind you, I'd be completely lost without James. He manages my schedule and my office better than any Assistant I ever had. And I am a frequent visitor to your home. Anyway, I always knew someday I would need to tell you all this since no one else was likely to. So I would have found out somehow."

Harry found himself responding to Riddle's grin. Looking at the man whom Sirius had described as the most humane person he knew and mentally contrasting him with the teen he knew, Harry could only be happy that they had done what they did. He felt like laughing at his thoughts in the morning. Perhaps, thought he, the most important thing they did was to get Riddle to his father. And for all his superciliousness and snobbery, Tom Riddle had still proved to be a good father and loving enough to break Merope's spell.

He realized he was smiling and he saw the smile reflected in the eyes of the older man. "I am really grateful, Harry," Tom Riddle said softly. "To you and to your friends. Thank you."

Harry nodded. It really was the best feeling.

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