Chapter Forty Four

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There was hardly any time to fill in Hermione on the details, but between them, Harry and Ron managed to fill in all the essential details. Hermione was surprised Ron had forgotten it was their apparition test.

"Professor Dumbledore sent us back the night before the test, don't you remember?"

Ron shook his head. "No, I don't. I mean, we spent months away, Hermione. How do you expect me to remember?"

"We did not spend months away, Ron. Not really."

"I'm not arguing the finer points of time travel," said Ron. "I don't know how I'm going to apparate."

"You'll do fine," said Hermione. "Just relax, okay?"

Harry suddenly remembered something. "Hermione," said he. "Voldemort overthrew the ministry before he attacked me, didn't he?"


"Then, who is the minister of magic now?"

"You mean.. it could be someone in Voldemort's inner circle? Or even Voldemort? But... that can't be Harry. Dumbledore wouldn't allow a dark wizard to visit you in Hogwarts, would he? And your parents wouldn't allow you to meet him, would they? And would Sirius be protecting a dark wizard who overthrew the ministry?"

"Perhaps, they don't know yet. Perhaps the minister is under the Imperius," suggested Ron.

"I don't know, Ron. It is possible, but you can only keep a man under Imperius for so long before they begin to fight it. Remember Barty Crouch's story?"

"Maybe he didn't overthrow the ministry?" Asked Harry.

"That is also quite possible. But... be careful, Harry. I was so worried about the test that I did not read the history books to know if our time travel has had any repercussions in the future."

There was no time for further private conversation as they reached the Great Hall. Harry noticed that Sirius was sitting between Remus and Snape. There seemed to be something different about Snape too. He appeared more relaxed and smiling. Tonks was also there, sitting on the other side of Remus, her hair a dark green today. All four appear to be chatting quite amicably. Harry wondered if he will ever find out what exactly happened in this time. He seemed to have missed his entire life till now.

"I have a special announcement to make," Professor Dumbledore had risen. "As you are all aware, the Minister of Magic is paying us a visit today. He is here on a personal business, but he will be staying here tonight. We have arranged a dinner in his honour. There will be no classes today. Apparition tests however shall be conducted as scheduled."

Ron groaned. "Just my luck!"

"Where's Slughorn?" Muttered Harry, who just noticed the absence of their corpulent potions master.

"Maybe he's still getting ready to meet the minister." Said Ron, who looked a bit green in the face.

Harry wished his friends luck as they went out of the castle to take the apparition test.

"Potter!" Professor McGonagall was coming briskly towards him. "The Minister has arrived and is with Professor Dumbledore now. Make yourself presentable. One of the Professors shall be escorting you there."

Harry nodded as he went towards the common room. The common room seemed deserted. Those not having apparition tests were taking advantage of the unexpected holiday and the fine weather by going outside. Harry wished he could join them. He did not want to meet any minister. But he had no choice.

He changed into his best robes, made certain his tie was straight and came down to the common room again. Lupin was waiting for him. He smiled at him. "Ready, Harry?"

"Remus!" Harry grinned.

"That's Professor Lupin, while you're here," said Sirius rising from an armchair. "Shall we go?"

"Yes," said Harry.

"Don't be so nervous," said Sirius. "He's one of the most approachable and humane persons I've ever known. He didn't become the most popular and the longest serving Minister of Magic for nothing."

Harry nodded.

They went out of the portrait hole and through a set of passages Harry was not familiar with.

"Where are we going?" He asked doubtfully. "I thought we were going to Dumbledore's office."

"No, we're going to the Minister's quarters. You don't think the Minister stays at the Three Broomsticks when he comes to Hogwarts, do you?"

"Oh," said Harry. It made sense, now that he thought of it.

At the top of the next flight of stairs, they were joined by Snape.

"Straighten your tie, Harry," he said.

"It is straight," Harry protested as Snape with a shake of his head proceeded to straighten Harry's tie.

"Leave the kid alone, Severus," Sirius said, sounding amused. "He looks all right to me."

"Lily is going to kill me if he looks anything but his best." Replied Snape, stepping back and looking critically at Harry. "A tough ask, considering that hair."

"Forget the hair," said Sirius, grinning as Snape lifted his wand and flicked it, causing Harry's hair to flatten.

"I'm scared of Lily, I tell you," said Snape. "Have you ever been at the receiving end of her temper?"

Sirius. "Once. I see what you mean. She doesn't lose it very often, but when she does..."

"It is scary." Said Lupin. "I've faced it twice."

"And you're still alive?" Snape grinned at Lupin. "Congratulations."

"Shall we go then?" Asked Sirius.

"His hair looks ridiculous, actually," said Snape as he reversed the spell, leaving Harry's hair as disordered as ever. "After all, the Minister does see James every day, so he must be used to that hair."

Snape gave Harry a thumbs up. "Just relax, Harry. He's only your dad's boss after all. And you've met him informally plenty of times."

Harry had no time to wrap his mind around the fact that Snape seemed to be friends with his parents, with Sirius, with Remus and with him. They had reached the minister's room.

Sirius knocked and entered the room, followed by Harry and Remus.

"Here he is, sir."

With an encouraging smile at Harry, they both exited.

Harry stared at the smiling man who stood facing him.

"Hello Harry," the minister for magic smiled at him.

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