Chapter Twenty Seven

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Tom Riddle frowned as he approached the three. They were sitting by the lake and looked far more relaxed than he'd ever seen them. He grimaced. They were always very tense around him, watching him like hawks when he wasn't looking. He was almost certain they were spying on him, but unless it was for their own fascination, he could not see any purpose to it. They were certainly not passing on any messages to Dumbledore.

He nodded at them, but refrained from joining them. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and if he could double back and hide, he might be able to know what they're up to. They were too careful around him to let slip anything. He could see the relief that appeared on Weasley's face as he passed them and Granger looked relieved too. Potter did not look at him, but averted his eyes. Tom wondered what Potter had against him. The other two were nervous and apprehensive around him, but Potter seemed to dislike him. He was not obvious, but at times Tom caught this look in his eyes. This look that spoke volumes. And Tom really could not understand why Potter should hate him.

He doubled back as he'd planned, and made his way behind a bush from where he could see and hear them.

"Harry, watch out!" Granger shrieked, whipping out her wand.

Tom frowned as Potter jumped up, wand in hand to find a small brown snake that was only inches away from him.

"Go away!" Potter said, and the snake slunk away into the grass.

Tom stifled a gasp. Potter had spoken in Parseltongue. He looked at the older teen. He had to find out how he spoke Parseltongue. And why he chose to keep it a secret in spite of being in Slytherin. Potter had again sat down on the grass.

"Has it gone?" Asked Weasley as he sat down, gingerly on the grass.

"It was only a snake, Ron," said Granger as she plopped down next to him. "Oh no!"

"What happened?"

"I think I forgot to do the homework Professor Stone gave!"

"I haven't started on any of my homework," replied Weasley. "There's plenty of time."

"I think Hermione's right," said Potter suddenly. "Let's go do our homework."

Weasley looked at Potter as if he'd gone mad though Granger looked gratified. The three rose, brushed their robes and made their way back. Tom ground his teeth. Just his luck! But he would find their secret. There would be other opportunities. For the moment, he would focus on Potter and find out how he knew Parseltongue.

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