Chapter Seveteen

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Harry's and Ron's feet hit the floor of the common room at the same time. They were surprised to note that it seemed as if no time had elapsed since their leaving. The device had worked once they left the Riddle Manor.

Ron cast a Tempus and said. "No time seems to have passed since we left."

"Has anything else changed? I mean, if Voldemort was brought up by his father, then perhaps he didn't become a muggle-killing dark lord?"

"No way to know that now," muttered Ron. "We'll worry about it in the morning."

Harry went to bed, feeling drained and tired. And yet, sleep was a long time coming. He and Ron had time travelled using an ancient device built by the founders of Hogwarts! And they had talked to Voldemort's father! It was really weird.

Had they succeeded? wondered Harry. Had Riddle gone to London and retrieved his heir? And would such a simple thing as that have created much impact? He suddenly thought of something. A way to check if Tom Riddle Jr. had indeed become Voldemort.

Harry climbed out of the bed and moved to the mirror in the corner. It was dark, so he lit his wand with a Lumos. With his other hand, he pushed back the strands of hair that had a habit of falling onto his forehead.

He stared at the mirror. Then his shoulders slumped. His scar was still there. Which meant Tom Riddle Jr. had become Lord Voldemort. Maybe Tom Riddle Sr. did not go to London. Maybe Voldemort remained in the orphanage. For, nothing seemed to have changed.

Harry went back to bed, feeling a bit dispirited. He would give the device to Dumbledore and tell him all that happened. Perhaps Dumbledore would find a way to ensure that Tom Riddle did not become Lord Voldemort.

Even with that resolution, it was almost morning when he finally fell into a troubled sleep.

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