Chapter Thirty Six

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Tom would have preferred to stay in Hogwarts this Christmas, particularly in light of the fact that Potter and his friends were staying. He had not yet confronted Potter about what he learned, and the holidays when the dormitories were mostly empty would have been the perfect opportunity to do so. But his father had refused to let him stay at Hogwarts, insisting that he spend Christmas with his family.

His family! Tom's lips twisted in contempt. Three filthy muggles! And his father had actually demanded he spend Christmas with them! How foolish could that man get? And yet, Tom remembered the orphanage all too well. His father had to be humoured. What if he dumped him back into the orphanage?

He still grumbled when he met his father at the station.

"It's really fun there during Christmas," he said. "And all my friends were staying."

"Tom, Christmas is a time for family." His father said. "Besides you know your grandparents are getting on in years. Let's at least spend this time with them."

"As if they give a damn about me," muttered Tom. "Didn't grandpa tell you to take me right back to the orphanage when you brought me home?"

"Tom, that was so long ago. How come you still remember all that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm a freak! That's what he called me after I got my Hogwarts letter, wasn't it?"

"Were you eavesdropping, Tom?"

"I didn't have to. He wasn't exactly keeping his voice down, was he?"

"Look," his father said. "Grandpa has some antiquated ideas and beliefs. That doesn't mean he doesn't care for you or us."

"You mean, he doesn't wish for a different grandson?"

"He might wish for a different grandson, but I have no wish for a different son."

Tom said nothing. Normally, his father's words did nothing to him. But today, he felt as if something was squeezing his chest.

"All right," said he. "But don't use grandpa as an excuse for making me come home for Christmas."

His father sighed. "I wanted you home for Christmas. Is that so difficult for you to comprehend?"

Tom shrugged. "I am here. Let's not discuss this anymore."

His father gave him a rather anxious glance but was silent.

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