Chapter 1 - Shifting Sides

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  • Dedicated to clockwork2

"23 years after the Spore Incident"

Awoken by the horrifying dream, Charlie, penname named for Vincent Krey, he had to make up a penname in order to enlist at the army, again. He was a former member of Navy Team Spectre, which was sent on a mission Operation Strife. It was a mission went bad and was believed everyone died, on purpose it seems, had to hide his identity to everyone by using a penname.

He had a cranky look on his face, not to mention his beauty sleep was disturbed. He maintained his charismatic appearance even for war and combat, he's short black hair is blast back on his head with cleanly shaved facial hair from jaw to chin, he's battle hardened physique makes him intimidating to most men his facing but very attractive to women, he always been a playboy during his college years and probably slept with the prettiest girls back then, eventually this days ended after his mother died and finally enlisted to the military recruitment. After being awoken by the dream and the trauma he suffered during his childhood, he took out the pendant charm given to him by his mother. He grazed upon the item, as if it usually calms his senses down. "Saddle up ladies, we are nearing the killing grounds. So you all know what do to, you dig in, shoot shit and do as I say." said Cpt. Whiterose with his obvious military bravados. Whiterose look awfully pissed, hell, he always looked that way.

Charlie and the entire squad took their S.I.R.s (Standard. Issue. Rifles) at the ready, check it for ammo and made sure it is loaded properly. The transport Nomads heading to the killzone immediately took heavy fire from rebels above the hilltop. Troops were immediately deployed and took cover behind rocks and other debris below the hill, the scorching desert-like heat makes it even tougher for infantry condition, but the jungle like environment keeps enough vegetation.  Charlie was combat experienced and knew what to do like the others. He ducked and took immediate cover from heavy fire.

 "Damn it! We aren't moving until those bunkers are cleared out, Charlie! Take Stan and Jorge, find a way to flank 'em. We'll cover as you!" he knew what he was doing and was confident enough that for him and the others would be successful.

 "Roger that! Stan, Jorge, on me!" ordered them to fall in on his command as they make it up through the hill while the others get the attention of the MG bunkers. The there were two bunkers concentrating their fire soldiers down below, Charlie and the others raced upon the top and began stormed the first bunker. Scoring bountiful skilled headshots on the rebel soldiers and killed tons of grunts along the way.

"Stan, set a demo charges here." They began planting couple of charges as the two watched over his back, after setting the explosive charges, they advanced the next bunker, encountering plenty of rebel grunts along the way. Their squad killed most of them and quickly headed to the last MG bunker. Stan was later assaulted by a rebel soldier with a close encounter knife attack to the chest, immediately bleeding him out to death. Charlie was caught off guard and wasn't able to shoot the attacker off before killing him. They had to take the explosives with them and headed deeper to the MG bunker, killing everyone in sight, leaving blood splatter all over the place. And finally planted last of the charges.

They quickly move away from the bunkers and detonated the charges, leaving chaos above the hill, allowing ground forces to push forward on the hill's lower path below.

"Charlie, advance through the hill, try to use that as your vantage point, we don't like surprises and I am guessing there plenty more rebel scums below the village itself." Cpt. Whiterose radioed them both as the entire attack forces marches towards the rebel base below them.

"Affirmative, sir, we'll keep you posted if we encounter rebels." said Krey to his commanding officer.

 "C'mon, let's get moving, rebels aren't gonna kill themselves, right?" said Jorge with humorous tone as both of them move out. Minutes later, they started to hear loud gunfires not far from them.

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