Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Vixen does drugs. I let this thought sink into my mind as I sit there crying. We have been in this hospital for the past 2 days. She still hasn't woken. Everyone's tried to comfort me. But I won't allow it. Something or someone made her take drugs. And I WILL find out what or who. She has to wake up. My life isn't complete without her. I'm sat next to her, holding her hand.


The doctors think Vixen is in a mild coma. Harry hasn't left her room for the past 2 days. Its breaking him seeing her like this. I think it's effected him the most

Vixens POV

Where am I??? I can't open my eyes or move. I think I am dreaming. I hope I am. I can hear a familiar voice. Harry's voice. "Vixen please don't die. Just come back. I need you. You are like my personal drug. I'm addicted to you. I love you" He whispers. He starts singing. "You and I. We don't wanna be like them. We can make it till the end. Nothing can come between. You and I. Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us. No nothing can come between. You and I" He sings before bursting into tears. I try to wake up, I can't stand people crying. Especially people I care about.

Harry's POV

I stop singing after I sing my solo. I go back to watching her. I hear the door open. I look and see Josie there. "Harry we all think you should go home and sleep, eat and shower. We will watch Vixen instead" She whispers. "No. I don't care how long I stay here for but I will not leave the girl I love. If she cries, I cry. If she dies, i die" I say through my teeth, whispering the last part. Josie sighs before walking out. Leaving me alone with Vixens lifeless body. I look at her face. I stare at it, taking in her her detail. But as I do this, I see her I twitch. She starts to move as her eyes begin to flutter open. "VIXEN! GUYS COME HERE!!!" I yell with a massive grin on my face. I stand up as everyone comes running in. "What is it Harry?!?!" Riley says as they all run into the room. "Vixen..." I say pointing to her. "Ohmehged!!!! Vix!!" Riley squeals as the girls run and hug her. "Where am I???" She asks, looking around the room. "Vixen you are in hospital because you passed out. You have been here for two days" I whisper as the girls pull away before I pull her into a hug. "I remember everything now. Harry and Louis get away from me. Don't talk to me at all. Just leave. I never want to see you two again" She whispers as she pushes me away. Everyone is stood there with their mouths open. "Riley can I have my phone. I need to call Jack" She whispers as Louis and I walk out. Away from Vixen.

Vixens POV

I'm awake now. Harry and Louis have left. Riley gets my phone and hands it to me and I quickly type in the number I want. Jacks number. "Hello?" He asks. I love his voice. "Hey Jack!" I. whisper into my phone. "VIXEN OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE CHRISTMAS AND ITS HALFWAY THROUGH FEBRUARY NOW WHERE ARE YOU!?!?"Jack yells worriedly as I giggle at him. "Um Jack I'm in hospital..." I whisper into the phone again knowing that he is frowning. "Oh my god Vix what room number and what hospital??" He asks as I hear him pull on his jacket. "Riley what hospital and room number??" I ask quickly. "119 West London hospital" She replies before walking out of the room. I quickly reply that into the phone and we say bye and hang up. "Vixen I'm going to go tell the doctor that you are awake" Karter sighs as she walks out leaving me with Josie, Valerie, Valerie's boyfriend Rian and my best guy friend Kian. "Pixie! I have been worried sick!!" Kian sighs as he walks over and hugs me. "I missed you" He whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek, making me blush. "So what's going on with you and Mr. Styles?" He says wiggling his eyebrows, causing me to giggle but then look down and play with my hands. "Vixen there is definitely something going on. I have known you for like totally ever so I know that when you lie you fiddle with you hands he says smirking at me and sitting down on my bed. "Ok there was something going on" I mumble. "Gossip time!" He sings. Kian seriously can NOT sing. His voice is really deep and I'm the only person he will have a PROPER conversation with and other times he is REALLY quiet. But as I open my mouth to speak, Jack walks in, out of breath. "Yay Jack!" Kian mumbles sarcastically. I giggle as Kian gets off the bed sitting on the chair next to me. Kian hates Jack. Its because Kian fancies me but he knows his boundaries. Jack knows this so just to annoy him, he pulls me into a long, passionate kiss. "Sorry I took so long babe but I was busy but I'm not now" He sighs as he hugs me. When he stands back up he looks really messy. He has no shirt on underneath his jacket, his fly is down and his hair is really messy. I look closer and see LIPSTICK SMUDGES ON HIS CHEEK!!! "Jack why is their lipstick on your face?!?" I ask shocked. " I was trying your make on?" He says in more of a question. "YOU HAVE BEEN WITH CHANDRA AGAIN HAVEN'T YOU?!?" I scream slapping his face. " You know what?!?! YES I HAVE! OH AND BY THE WAY SHE IS A WAY BETTER SCREW THAN YOU!!" He yells before storming out. I burst into tears as he leaves. Kian climbs back onto my bed and pulls me into a hug. "You lost your v-card to that dumbass??" Kian says smirking at me. "No way!! I turned 16 a couple of weeks ago!!!" I laugh before staring into his eyes. My eyes flicker to his lips then back to my eyes as I bite my lip. Before I know it Kian's soft ones are on mine. "Vixen I came to say that I am sor-" Harry says before looking at me and Kian. I do the first thing I think of. I give Harry Styles the finger.

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