Chapter 6 Part one

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A/N:The reason it took me so long to post was because I wrote about all of their dates not just Vixens and Harry's! xx

Harry's POV

Wow! Vix looked stunning. And her outfit was perfect for where we are going. I really do love her.

Vixens POV

We walked outside the flat but we didn't go down. We went up to the roof instead. I was stunned. The rooftop was decorated and it looked perfect. It was amazing. I loved it. (Picture on the side). I looked at Harry who was staring at me. "Its perfect!" I say as I hug him. "Thanks Vixie" He says as he hugs me back. We walked over to the table, hands entwined. He walked over to a chair and pulls it out before speaking. "Here you go". He says before I sit down. Harry walks round to the the over chair and sits down before taking the metal lids off the plates. "TA DA!" He says before smiling. "Wow Harry this is all amazing! Jack would never do anything like this" I say before looking at Harry to see him staring at me. "I love you Vixen" Harry whispered yet I could still hear. "Harry. I love you too. This is amazing. When we kissed, fireworks went off!" I whispered. "Well Vix we better eat this food!" He says grinning at me as he takes off the metal lids to reveal my favorite food. "Chicken Nuggets!" I gasp as he grins at me again. "How did you know I love chicken nuggets?!" I say with my mouth wide open. "When you love someone, everything has to be perfect. Oh and I asked the other girls as well! Well we better eat up!" He said before eating a chip. Me being me decided it would be fun to do something evil. I noticed some tomato ketchup on the table. Ugh! I hate it. Harry was staring up at the sunset off in his own world. I quickly grabbed the ketchup, squirted a little bit on my finger and booped him on the nose. "Hey!!" He says as he does the same to me but with mayonnaise. "OK OK we are even now!" I giggle as we both stand up. The December air was cold and I was shivering. "Vix, your freezing!" Harry says as he takes off his blazer and puts it around me. "Thanks Harry" I say as I entwine my fingers with his. "Wow look at the stars!" I gasp astonished as there is barely any stars since stuff like global warming. "Yeah they really are shining" Harry sighed as snuggled up closer to me. I looked up at Harry to see him staring at me. He turned away as he blushed. I walked so that I was in front of him and brought my hand up to his cheek. I slowly turned his face so he was facing me. Then I did something that I never thought I would do again. I put my arms around his neck and brought his face down a little bit and I got up on my tiptoes. Then I let our lips merge together.

Louis POV

Wow Riley looked beautiful. I knew I had the perfect date for her.

Rileys POV

We all left Harry and Vixen alone in the room and we all went our separate ways. Louis leaded me out to the front entrance of the building and I saw a red limo! Eeep my favorite colour! Louis entwined our fingers as he leaded me into the limo. "So where are we going?" I asked Louis curiously as we sat onto the black leather seats. "Its a surprise!" Louis replies as he smirks at me. "Awww no I don't like surprises!" I giggle as I start to play with his big soft hands. "Oh well. The girls told me that you would like my surprise!"He said excitedly. "Those girls are going to be the death of me!" I say whilst laughing. "You have reached your destination madam and sir" The driver says as he walks out of the car and opens my door. I catch a look of his face to recognize him straight away. "PARKERS DAD?!?!" I ask shocked to see him. "Oh hello Riley" He mumbles as he smiles at me. "Well bye I gotta go!" I say smiling. Wow it has been a while since um the accident. God I miss him. Even if he was a complete man-whore and dickhead. "Um Riley who is Parker?" Louis asks curiously. "Um he is my ex boyfriend" I mumble. "Oh. Why did you break up?" He asks. For gods sake Louis why are you so nosy!?!? "Well um he was cheating on me with my best friend who was a slag called India and I told this boy who I was best friends with and he beat him to death in the middle of the playground and then he killed India" I say as he frowns. "Oh my god Riley I'm so sorry!" Louis gasps as he pulls me into a hug. "Its OK lets just go wherever you are taking me" I sigh as I flash him a smile. "I know your going to lo-ove it!" Louis says in a singing voice. "Fine. Are we here yet?" I ask holding his hand. " No love its just up the road!" Louis laughs as he boops my nose. "Did you just boop mah nose?" I ask as I lick his cheek (FOR ALL THE RUDE PEOPLE HIS FACE CHEEK NOT HIS ASS CHEEK!). "OK close your eyes!" He says as he covers my eyes with his hands. "Oh so we're here NOW?!" I say cheekily as he takes one of his hands off my eyes and pinches my ass. He quickly puts his hand back and makes me walk forward. I know that we are walking towards a door because I saw it up the road. I hear it open and we walk in. "OK open your eyes!" He says as he takes his hands off my face and quickly turns on the lights. OH. MY. GERD. "LOUIS OMG YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!" I squeal as Louis laughs. "I know but you don't have to tell me something I know" He says as he hugs me.I take a look at it. Wow! A Superman museum "By the way we are allowed to take anything of it" He says as he smirks at me. "OH MY GERD REALLY?!?!" I yell as I tackle him to the ground with a hug. "Yep" He attempts to say but he is laughing. "ALL. OF. IT!" I yell as I go change my shirt to a superman one. Yes I do know I am right in front of Louis but I am way too busy and happy to actually care about anything. Poor Nialler though. My room is going to be filled with Superman's face. And red. Lots of red. And black. " So do you like it?!" Louis asks cheekily which results with me giving him a "Really?" look. "Well I have a van outside so shall we?" Louis says as he starts picking things up. I quickly help him. Within half an hour we both emptied the room. "Ugh my back hurts I say as we get into the back of the van. Stupid van driver not letting us sit up front. I find one of the superman beanbags and sit on it. "Louis I just want to say thanks. This was the best date ever. "I love you Riley" He says as he tucks some of my hair behind my ear. "Louis I love you too" I say as I stand up and hug him. Before I know it he is going closer and we let our lips combine.

A/N: Sorry I took so long but I decided not to let you wait and that it would be easier so i am doing part 2 as well! (The superman museum is on the pic on the side) Bye!

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