What's That Smell?

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The human body can smell really weird sometimes. We all have a specific scent signature. Phermones that we exhude and act as a sort of smellable fingerprint. We cannot smell ourselves. Just like we cannot smell that particular scent our home has, but we can smell that at someone else's home.

I smell. I workout 1-2 hours a day. Of course I smell after that. It's not because I'm unhygenic at all. It's because that's my body doing what it does best: converting food into energy. I've farted in the gym folks. So have many around me. I've burped over the phone, so have many of you. It's not polite but to act like our natural bodies are gross for it just doens't make sense. It has nothing to do with hygenie at those points.

We all poop. It generally doesn't smell great because it's food processed through your body, mixed with bacteria and turned into waste. Garbage is waste too and I've yet to find nice smelling garbage.

The time when your personal scent becomes problematic is when it indicates something unhealthy. Best example: my friend (let's call him Ben) is lactose intolerant. He didn't know that though. He would drink milk and 30 minutes later this really SOUR rotten milk smell would come from his skin. And he didn't know, because he couldn't smell himself. I informed him of the strange smell and we figured out it always happened after he had dairy. When he switched to almond milk, his body stopped producing that smell.

We are mammals, we will smell. Rank smelling feet tell us that we need to wash the feet and let them air out. It's a biology thing. But if your normal body odor isn't caused by illness/unhygenic habits, then there is absolutely no need to cover it up with perfumes and colognes. (I'm looking at you Axe users, we've all encountered that one person who bathes in it instead of actually bathing).

When it's bacteria making you stank, you are risking health problems. But if you're running around and smell a little like sweat, so what? That's actually your skin and salt combining to help cool you down and keep you from dying. Which in my book is pretty cool. I like not dying.

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