What Slut Shaming IS and Why You Shouldn't Do It

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For some reason we live in a society that both villanizes and romanticizes sex. Plain facts are this: sex is a bodily function. It can feel REALLY good if you're doing it right, and if you are inclined to sexual stimulation.

And yet, women are taught from a young age that they are not supposed to enjoy sex. Because if we do, we are sluts. At the same time, if we refuse to have sex, we are prudes. And if you refuse sexual harassment you are a 'bitch'.

This is the world of slut shaming.

Truth time. Men and women think about sex EQUALLY. When you are a sexual creature, you enjoy sex, regardless of gender. Having lots of sexual partners is not bad. Neither is having NO sexual partners. It is a PERSONAL CHOICE AND NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS.

This does not make women a slut and men players. It makes a human being sexually experienced and varied. This is not a bad thing.

Being sexually inexperienced is not a bad thing either. Seriously.

Saying no to sex is not a bad thing. (more on this later)

Saying yes to sex is not a bad thing.

If it is between consenting, mentally capable people then sex is a great time.

If it is between you and your body involving toys, sexual self gratification is a wonderful way to learn what you like.  Masturbation is a fun, harmless way to test the waters. Be smart and use items that are hygenic and safe. Mutual masturbation is a fun way to learn what your bedmate likes, and takes the pressure off if you do not want to engage in sexual intercourse involving penetration.

All slut shaming does is teach generations of women that we are not supposed to enjoy sex, and if we do we are somehow deviant. When you call a girl a slut what you are really saying is 'her sexual confidence scares me'. We are allowed to enjoy sex, just as much as we are allowed to enjoy music or other activities and pastimes. We are also allowed to NOT enjoy sex. Not everyone likes math or sports and yet we don't shame them.

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