Chapter Thirty Five

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I know I updated a few days ago and I took this particular chapter down within two hours. Don't be confused because the only thing that has changed is this chapter. If you read this chapter reread it, it's entirely different. I was trying to figure out if I should go with my original idea or the idea I had before. But something sparked and I'm going with my original idea but stay tuned readers. Comment & Vote 🐾

Kera Wendell
2 months later

Kobe was with my sister, and Layla wanted to stay home with a few friends and as long as she behaved I was okay with that. Dre, Allisya and Avanni ran up to Kyree's and LB's kids who were playing.

"So are you, you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Getting better. Divorce finalized." My divorced was finalized last week even though he took two weeks to sign the papers as if that would change something. My mind was made up.

"Well that's good. Happiness is coming, keep ya head up baby girl." I smiled mentally thanking her. Marcus appears out of no where with a red cup. In that case I walked away to say hello to others. I hadn't talk to him in a few days and I just needed a break. I still love Marcus it's just sometimes he can be too much.

I sat in one of Kim's smaller living rooms just to clear my head. In total it was three months since the actual at I said I wanted a divorce. Even with the kids I felt alone, I wasn't going to go back to Trey nor act like a hoe I just wanted to be held and loved. It also feels like I wasted my time with Trey. Years and years of my life somewhat gone because if he'd loved me he would have treated me better.

The Marcus incident was huge, yes of course because Marcus pulled out a gun on August but that wasn't the only reason I wanted a divorce from Trey. That just made things clear between him and I. I have feelings too and I run away from my problems but that doesn't make me a bad person. And this doesn't just go for me, if you're not happy in a relationship get out of it. I wasn't going to stay married to him just because he's my kids father, or he's worth millions. No. I have my own business, so money isn't a thing. I want real love.

I wiped a tear from my eye just as I removed myself from the spot. I needed to get out this house, and since the kids were here I couldn't leave so I just went to sit in my car. Luckily Marcus and Kim were having a conversation and didn't noticed I'd left.

Was I wrong for leaving Trey?

99.9% of me said yes and that was more than enough. The love didn't feel genuine most of the time, or any problem we'd have it was my fault. All the time. Only one can take so much and I hate the fact, the kids have two homes but I can't love him anymore. I just want to have a good man and a happy life, but in either getting mentally destroyed or physically.

Another reason I left the house because it was way to many people in her house. Most of the Cavs basketball team was there, a long with they're wife's, girlfriends, friends and kids. I didn't want to have a mental break down in front of everyone.

With this stress disorder, trying to manage my children and business is a lot on my part. But, I know for facts that I Kera Neverson will be fine. I just have to keep my head up. It's okay to cry and feel sad but I know how to bounce back.

I pulled down the sun-blocker that was above my head to open the mirror. My mascara was messed up but luckily I had some in my purse along with wet wipes to fix my face. Subsequently after reapplying my makeup my eyes were still a little puffy but that didn't really matter.

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