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Frank opens his eyes. He can't feel his left hand. He turns it and feels something, but it's not right.

"Don't open your eyes yet, Frank."

Ana sits in her room, a steady sedative drip going into her arm. She reaches up for the ceiling, then drops her hand back down.

Mikey. Ray.

Who now?


The answer makes her hand shoot toward the door as it opens, revealing a nurse.

"Calm down, honey. I just came to see if you need any-"

"I need Gerard."

The nurse nods, and motions to someone in the hall.

Gerard steps in, an indifferent look on his face. Ana bursts into tears at the sight of him.

His gaze softens and he gently hugs her.

"I don't know what to do." she sobs, holding tightly to his neck, "They're all dropping like flies, and I can't stop it. First, Mikey. Now, Ray-"

"Ana." just the gentle croon of his voice on her skin, makes her stop, "Ray isn't dead."


"He's okay. You got to him quick enough. He's going to be okay."

She pulls away from him, ignoring the slight growl to his words.

"H-He's okay? Sunshine's going to be okay?"


Gerard's eyes flicker to her lips. She notices and tugs at his hair, pulling him closer.

"How long have you wanted to kiss me?" she whispers, lips dancing on his.

"Forever." is the only response before their lips collide.

This is different then her kisses with Frank. Those were driven by need. This one's driven by a want.

His hands rest against her back as she pulls him closer, hands trailing along his jaw.

"It's a.....hook? You're giving the mental unstable teen a hook?"

"It's all we have right now, Frank. We're ordering you an amputee hand right now. We just need something to put on the stump until then."

Frank glowers at the shiny metal hook at the end of his left arm. He's terrified of what it could do.

What he could do.

Ray lays in the bed next to him, staring blankly at the ceiling.


He turns and smiles slightly at Frank.

"How do you know who I am?"

Gerard lays with Ana, who's curled up around him. Her hands, every now and then, go up to press against his lips, ensuring he's still breathing.



"When can I see Ray?"

"We could go now, if you think you can stand."

She immediately sits up, her arms to either side of his shoulders.

"I can see him, now?

"If you kiss me again." he smirks.

"You sly, bastard."

He pouts, as she presses her lips to his.

"Now. Lets go."

He chuckles and helps her to infirmary. He sees Frank sitting up in a bed and frowns as Ana b-lines for him.

"You're okay."

Frank nods and hugs her with one arm.

"What's wrong?"

He quietly raises his left hand. Ana gasps at the hook, leaning back into Gerard who seems to smirk.

She's about to say more, when she catches sight if fluffy brown hair.

"Sunshine!!!" she says, hugging him.

His arms go around her unnaturally.


She removes her arms from him at the confusion of hos voice.

"It's me, Ray!! Ana!! Oh, you wouldn't believe how bad you scared me. I could be killed you myself if you had died. I can't believe-"

"Um." he twists his together in an anxious fashion, "I'm sorry."

Ana tilts her head in confusion.


"I..I don't know you."


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