Messed up

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Possible TW// self harm

I followed through the door in which Enoch had entered and realized it was a basement.
"Enoch?" I said softly, making my way down the slightly creaking stairs.
I reached the bottom and scanned the dark room until my eyes landed on Enoch's pale looking face.
I walked over to him and he didn't even bother to look up as I approached.
"Enoch." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.
No response.
"Are you alright?" I questioned, biting the corner of my lip.
"No. I know all I do is complain about this place, but it's my home. It's been my home since I was abandoned as a child. I don't want to just..leave it."
"You weren't abandoned, you ran away." I corrected.
"So did you." He shot back, defensively. "Do you have any idea what it's like to have parents who couldn't care less about you?" He spat at me.
"Yes, I do actually. And I didn't run dragged me here." I said, unsure why I did. I guess I was mad at him. Mad at him for bringing me here and making me love it just to have to leave. I had no right to be mad but I was, I knew it wasn't Enoch's fault but my heart was breaking at the thought of leaving everyone so soon.
"Dragged you?" he said, hurt tracing his voice more than anger.
"That's not what I mea-" I tried to explain myself but Enoch only pushed past me and went up the stairs.
I decided to wait a little while to go back up, fearing Enoch's reaction to my words. He would probably never forgive me. We'd be like Emma and Jacob, forever trapped in a world of brokenness and bitterness and unforgiving. I walked to my bedroom and sat on my bed and cried. Me and Enoch didn't talk for the rest of the night.

The next morning

I woke up and it took only seconds for dread to fill me up as I realized today was the day we were leaving. I could kiss any bit of normalcy I ever had goodbye, and to make matters worse I knew Enoch wasn't gonna talk to me. I shouldn't of taken my anger out on him and I was really regretting it. I put my hair up into a pony tail and looked into the mirror, examining myself. My frame was thinner, and my eyes had bags under them. Clearly loving Enoch was exhausting not just emotionally and mentally, but physically. I sighed and collected all my things and made my way downstairs. Jacob was the only other one down here so I decided to at least try and start a conversation.
"Hey, I'm sorry about our first impression, you know, after the accident. But the kids have told me some incredible things about you." I said, sitting down on the same couch Enoch was sitting on the first day I got here.
"It wasn't that bad. I've heard incredible things about you, too." he replied and I blushed.
"So, Enoch, huh?" he said after a few seconds of silence.
The question upset me. Why is every one always so surprised?
Just then Hugh came down the stairs, holding all his stuff, and taking our focus off the question (thankfully.)
I got up and hugged him and he hugged me back.
"I'm sorry, Hugh. I'm so sorry." I said, walking with him over to where me and Jacob were seated.
"It's alright." He said, his voice cracking slightly.
None of us said anything until Miss. peregrine came down, still dressed in her pajamas, very sad looking.
The rest of the children followed not too long after and pretty soon we were all grouped up ready to go. Everyone was downstairs except for, of course, Enoch.
Miss. Peregrine looked at me expectantly. She wanted me to go upstairs and check on him. I wanted to say no but how could I?
I gave her a small smile and a nod and made my way upstairs, leaving the group behind.
Once I got to Enoch's door I hesitated for a second.
I knocked and when he answered my breath hitched.
He had a bandage on his wrist.
I immediately barged into his room.
"What the fuck is that?" I said, pointing to it.
"Anger, sadness, resentment, abandonment, and a lot more. All built up." He said.
My heart started to hurt, like physically hurt, at the sight before me. The broken boy I was desperately in love with.
"Oh, Enoch.." I said, desperation and sadness evident in my voice.
"Don't." He spat, harshly.
"Don't. Don't do that. We're about to leave our home and I need you and you need me and you don't get to push me away anymore." I said, my irritation growing.
"Oh, yeah? Why not?" he said.
"Because I love you. Because I am in love with you. Every fiber of my being is in love with every fiber of yours. You don't get to do that now." I pleaded.
He didn't say anything in response, instead he grabbed his bags and started walking towards the door. I had almost forgotten about everyone down stairs until now.
"Wait," I said, grabbing his upper arm, "you don't have to talk to me, but at least let me fix your arm before anyone sees it." I suggested, biting the corner of my lip.
He set his stuff down and pulled his sleeves up. I removed the bandages and tears welled in my eyes immediately.
"Enoch.." I tried but he just shook his head.
"No talking." he replied and I nodded, the tears falling down my face silently.
I focused hard on his arm, even though it physically pained me to look at, and eventually I fixed it. All that was left was a few small lines, barely visible unless you're looking real close.
He grabbed his bags and walked right past me. I knew I had hurt him with what I said but I had no idea I would push him to that. My stomach growled pulling me out of my thoughts. I suddenly remembered all the people waiting downstairs and I rushed down. Nobody even batted an eye, they were all busy saying their goodbyes.
I felt a sudden head rush but ignored it because it went away after a second. Enoch was cheerful down here, an act I could tell, but either way it made me love him more. He was hurting and he still managed to pull himself together for the people he loves. I wasn't sure I was included in those people, anymore.

Emma walked over to me and hugged me hard.
"I know we're going to the same place, but you're basically my best friend, Evana." she said. I hugged her back and rested my head on her shoulder.
I couldn't keep my gaze off of Enoch.
So, Enoch, huh? I heard Jacobs voice in my head.

"Yes, always." I said out loud without meaning to.
Emma hugged me tighter then. She must have thought i was talking about what she said.
"I love you, Emma, but I can't breathe." I said.
She blushed and finally let go of me.

Finally it came time to go.
After all the goodbyes were done each group was personally escorted to their bus by Miss. Peregrine (in bird form, of course.)
"So when are we going?" I asked once she was back from taking the younger children.
"Right now." she answered.
"No, Miss. P, I mean when are we going." I clarified.
"Ah, you elder children will be under the care of Miss. Partiche ((part-ish-aye for anyone that doesn't know)) in the 1800's. I'm not sure of the exact year or month, or even day, you'll have to reconfirm with her, but you'll be safe there my dears. I promise." She said in her most calming tone. She was remaining strong for us but you could see the sadness and worry on her face.
She transformed into her falcon self and escorted us all through town to the bus station. We all looked like a bunch of normal kids going on vacation..without any adult supervision. It was worrisome and I could tell Miss. P was stressing her feathers off.
We said our final (for now) goodbyes and tears were shed.
Finally we all boarded.
"Be safe, my dears. You'll all be back here soon enough!" she said reassuringly and we all just sighed.
I looked around at my group- Aiden, Jacob, Emma, Horace, hugh, the little twins, brownwyn, and finally me and the boy I loved. All people I had grown accustom to, grown to care about, even Aiden. What a sight we were to see. Right before we were about to drive off I got up to move seats. I wanted to be next to Enoch.
I stood up and made my way into the aisle when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
I remember my head hitting the ground before going unconscious.
Of course this would happen right now.
Of course it would happen to me.


This chapter sucked but I had writers block like a mother fucker so don't hate me pls the next one is gonna be so much better I promise !!

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