Not interested

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I woke up and immediately noticed Enoch's arm was wrapped around me. He was still asleep, and I watched his chest go in and out as I smiled, thinking about what happened last night.
He was so beautiful, and last night he acted so different. He made me so nervous all the time, but especially when he was being soft. I knew it could disappear any moment.

A sudden loud knock caused Enoch to jerk awake, his eyes opening and landing directly on mine.

"Enoch, i thought I'd be kind enough to wake you for breakfast, despite our disagreement yesterday." I heard through the door. It was olive.
Enoch looked at me and his face switched from a tired one, to an unreadable expression.

"You should probably go," he said and I was confused, "you know, back to the present. Wouldn't want to alarm all the people that I'm sure care about you. You've already been here quite awhile." he said.
"I don't really have anybody in the present, except for marissa. I can just call her when I go home, though." I frowned at him.
His face morphed into an expression I couldn't quite read.
"So you are going home?"
"No! I mean, not permanently, that's not what I meant.."
"You can't just go back and forth. You'll age up eventually. You need to pick one, and it seems like you already have."
"Enoch, I didn't-" I tried to explain but he wouldn't let me finish.

"Last night was a mistake. Nothing like that can or will happen again, Evana."

"I don't understand-"

"If you haven't figured it out by now, I like to be alone. I want to be alone." he said.

"Enoch." I pleaded, I wanted him to stop acting so cold and distant. I wanted him to show me a reason I should stay here.

"Yes?" he answered, disinterested.

"Last night, you said to olive, 'you know how I feel.' How do you feel?" I asked, biting my cheek. Part of me regretted asking, afraid of what the answer would be.

"Useless." He said and I wanted to kiss him in that moment.
I wanted to reassure him everything was okay and that he was perfect, but I was afraid to.

"You're not." I said simply.

"You should go." He stated after a moment of silence.
I was frustrated. He was hurting my feelings, he had been since the day I came, but I was tired of it. If he wanted to push me away I guess I needed to let him.

"Fine, whatever, I'll leave." I said and stormed out of the room.
To my surprise the olive girl was sitting there, waiting.
When she saw me she seemed to look shocked and then hurt, as she registered that I had just came out of Enoch's bedroom.

"You-" she started, but I was too irritated to let her finish.
"Are Evana, yes, and not interested in Enoch, so don't worry. He's all yours." I said, storming off down the hall. Who cares if I was lying? Maybe if I said it enough times it would become true.
It would literally be easier to like anyone else. Maybe I should just take my chances with Aiden.
I decided I was gonna head to the beach to clear my head, and then go and talk to Miss. Peregrine. I still had a lot to figure out, and I was tired of basing all my thoughts and actions around someone who clearly didn't want me around.
On the way out the door I saw aiden with two younger girls, they were sitting in the living room.
"Evana!" he called my name.
I smiled softly at him, trying to lessen my irritation so he wouldn't notice.

"Hey Aiden! Perfect timing. I was just about to go to the beach, if you'd like to join me." I said.
I usually wouldn't be able to talk to a boy like this but my discussion with Enoch mixed with the emotions of anger had given me some weird type of adrenaline.

"I'd love to, actually." he said and he followed me out the door.

"So you survived your first wight drill, I see." he said, just trying to make conversation.
I immediately felt like changing the subject, just in case he brought up what I did last night. I was a terrible liar and I don't think a good conversation topic would be how I spent all night in a room with a different boy.

"Yeah, uh," I paused, trying to think of something else to say, "what's your peculiarity? I don't think you ever told me." I said, silently thanking god that I had found something else to talk about.
"I'm a pathfinder. I can track almost anything, or anyone, anywhere in the world. With a few limits, of course." he said.
My jaw dropped.
"Are you kidding? That's amazing!" I said and his cheeks reddened.
"Hardly," he replied, seemingly embarrassed, "but I had to come live in a loop because if anybody found out about my powers they'd use me for like, government experiments and other scary stuff." he explained.
"You're amazing." I smiled at him, and he chuckled.
"I'm sure whatever your peculiarities are, they're a lot better." he said and I frowned, not knowing how to answer.

Thankfully we arrived at the beach and I almost went to sit where me and Enoch had been, but I decided against it.
Instead I suggested we lay directly on the sand.

"This is gonna take forever to get out of my hair." I whined and he chuckled.

"Just shave it off, I think you'd look very cute bald." he suggested and I let out a loud laugh.

"Well, you're wrong." I said and he rolled forward onto his stomach to look at me.

"I don't think so. I think you'd look very pretty either way." he said and I hid my face behind my hands.
Enoch was swirling around my brain.
'You look pretty' I heard his voice in my head. I pinched my thigh to try and bring myself back to the present.

"Is there a house pet here?" I asked and he looked at me confused.
"I just remembered when I first came, Millard told me the bird would explain everything, but I have yet to see a bird." I explained and realization appeared on his face.

"Miss. Peregrine is the bird. She's a ymbryne, the ultimate protector of our kind." he explained.

Our kind

It was still so odd to hear. All those years spent around people who I always thought were way more special than me when it turned out I was the coolest person in the room by a landslide, I just didn't know it yet.

"Oh, so there's more to all this than time travel and weird kids?" I questioned.

"I know it's a bit confusing at first, but you'll learn. You'll learn to love us."

"I already do" I whispered. It was true. I loved everyone here so much already, it already felt like home.

I lied back down and Aiden stared at me, before I could register what was happening he was leaning over towards me. I froze as his lips landed on mine.

I sighed as evana slammed my door and left. She made avoiding her so difficult. I didn't understand why she had the affect on me that she did and I don't think I ever would. I just had to hope that it would go away. That I could force myself to not care.
I opened my door and saw olive in the hallway. I wondered how long she'd been siting out there.
"Did you see where evana went?" I asked but she didn't answer.
"She's gone to the beach with aiden." Claire said, skipping down the hallway and right past me.
I didn't show on my face that I was upset, even though it was hard to hide. I couldn't let anybody think that I actually cared about somebody, it would ruin my infamous reputation.
"I thought you said you wanted to be alone." Olive said to me.
"I do, olive. That's never going to change." I said, turning around.
"I hope she falls in love with aiden, maybe then you'll experience what its like to love somebody who clearly loves somebody else." she spat, her tone harsh.
She stomped down the hallway.
I went into my room and shut the door behind me.
I grabbed a glass jar and threw it at the wall as i wailed in a mixture of anger and sadness.
I was mad that I ever met her and I was mad that I allowed myself to feel something for her.
And believe it or not, I was mad at myself for hurting olive. I didn't mean to, I was just a terrible person. I am a terrible person.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my hand. I looked down and it was bleeding, the glass I threw must of bounced of off the wall or floor somehow and cut me. I started to cry, not because it hurt but because I hadn't in quite literally almost 50 years. I broke into sobs as I slid down and sat on the floor, leaving a puddle of tears and blood beneath me.

Hello babies (~: dramatic chapter woo
Also just out of curiosity are you evaiden shippers or enona shippers 👀 comment n lmk ❣ love u xxxx

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