Just want to love you

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"You're staying?" he asked and i could tell he was trying to hide his excitement.
"Yes, Enoch. I want to find out who I am, and how could I leave you." I said. He smiled. That was the second time I've ever seen him smile since we met, and it made me love him more than I knew I was capable.
I walked over to his bed and I laid on it. He walked over and sat down next to me.
"Do you think you'll fall in love with me?" he asked in his serious tone that I had also grown to love.
I propped up on my elbow and stared at his hands fumbling in his lap.
"I think I'm starting to." I said truthfully.
"You know...we could never get married. Like legally, or anything, and we can never have kids. We can never do anything that normal people in love get to." he said, like he was trying to change my mind.
"Enoch, that's not important to me. Just being with you is important to me." I insisted.
He just sat there silent.
We both finally moved when we heard footsteps downstairs.
I had almost forgotten everyone else was gone. I got up and kissed Enoch on the cheek.
"Are you coming?" I said. He shook his head no. "I have some stuff to do." he said and I frowned.
"Okay." I said, before walking out of the door.
I walked down the hallway and was greeted by Miss. Peregrine and the rest of the children. There were few that I didn't recognize.
"Miss. Whalen, I'm so glad to see you. Let me prepare some lunch for the children and then I'll be glad to show you your room and continue our earlier discussion. Come along children." she said and I waited patiently as they all passed me.
I went and got my bags that I left and sat down on the couch.
A few minutes passed before Miss. Peregrine came back.
"Miss. Whalen, follow me please and i will show you your room." she said and i followed her and we made our way back up the stairs from where i just came.
My room was precisely two doors away from Enoch's. I entered and it was beautiful. There was dry flowers framed and hung up on the wall. There was also a small bed and closet and trunk.
"I love it!" I said and she smiled.
"I'm very glad. So would you like to continue our discussion now or would you like to eat something first?"
Admittedly, I was hungry, but I wanted to know who I was so I decided food could wait.
"Now, please." I insisted.
"Okay," she walked over and sat down on the small mattress, "well, evana, as you know.. You are very special. You are a peculiar born only once every few thousand years. You-" she said and I cut her off before she could finish.
"Are my parents peculiar too?" I said, eagerly.
"No, dear, they're not. Peculiar genes sometimes skip generations, many generations. Sometimes peculiars are born to families with no trace of peculiar in their bloodline. It's an odd thing. But, no, unfortunately they are not." she explained.
Just hearing the word peculiar made me feel something I had never felt before. It was a mixture of self confidence and pride. Two very rare feelings for me.
"Okay..so what are my powers?" I asked.
She laughed. "Peculiarities, Miss. Whalen. The word "powers" is best reserved for fairy tales and fiction." she said.
"Oh," I said, embarrassed, "well what are mine?" I said.
"I'm unsure. Let's try some out." she said and I nodded.
"I'll be back in a moment." she said and she went to her study.
I walked over to Enoch's room and knocked.
He opened the door and I immediately smelled something awful.
"What are you..doing?" I asked.
"What i was born to do." he said and i peered behind him into the room. There was little toy soldiers sitting on the table.
"Can I watch?" I pleaded.
"No, you'll think I'm weird." he mumbled.
"Enoch, I already think that, and it's part of the reason I love you, now let me in." I practically begged and he eventually opened up the door and let me pass through.
I walked over to the table with him and sat down on the stool next to him. He made the little soldiers move and I stared with amazement like a toddler with a pair of keys.
"You're so amazing." I said and I could tell that he disagreed.
He sighed.
"Evana, can we talk?" He asked and I looked up at him.
"Of course." I said, nervously.
He was avoiding making eye contact. I knew that was a bad sign. 
"Evana, I don't want you to stay." he said and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.
"Enoch.." I started but he seemed to just get angrier.
"Please don't try and change my mind. I don't want you to stay. I don't want you here." he said and I blinked back tears.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you have a life, evana. Youre 16.. Like actually 16. You could do stuff. Get a job, get married, have a family, and not be stuck here. You can do all the normal things that couples do with someone who can actually..." he didnt finish his sentence.
"I dont need any of that, enoch. Why dont you understand? This is enough for me. Youre enough for me." I said, aggravated that he kept trying to push me away.
"For now I am. But what about in 20 years? Or 50? Or 100? Are you still gonna love me. After being stuck here with me for a hundred years." he said.
"Enoch, I will never get tired of you." I insisted.
"I don't believe you. You're not gonna want me anymore and it will be too late. You'll be trapped here. I don't..want that for you." he said and I was crying at this point.
Then there was a knock on the door.
He went to open it and I turned away. I couldn't understand why Enoch wouldn't just let me love him. It's like he rejected any type of affection showed towards him. Do you know how hard it is to love somebody like that?
"Yeah, she's in here." I heard Enoch say. I wiped my tears on my sleeve and turned around to see Miss. Peregrine.
"Miss. Whalen, I'm glad to see you appreciate the company of Mr. O'connor, but we really should continue this discussion." she said and I walked out without hesitation. I was upset with Enoch and myself and the world (both the peculiar and normal one).
I walked back into my room and saw a large book sitting on my bed.
"What's that for?" I questioned and she smiled.
"Figuring out your peculiarity, but first, do you have any questions?" she asked, joining me by the bed.
"Yeah, one, what happened to Enoch?" I said and her expression seemed to sadden.
"Ah, Mr. O'connors story, that's a difficult tale. But I can tell you, if you'd really like to know." She said.
"I do. I need to, actually." I pleaded and she nodded and sat down.
"Mr. O'connor is a dead raiser, to put it in simple terms. Sounds very distasteful but it's quite beautiful, actually. He can take life from one thing and give it to another. His parents owned a funeral parlor, and they could never understand why their clients kept just getting up and walking away," I giggled, "but there soon after they realized it was Enoch, They had plans to ship him off to some religious boarding type school. Thought he was the devil himself. So he ran away. The parents didn't report him missing until many weeks later, mostly because they didn't care. Which is very heart breaking. I'm sure you know Enoch is a wonderful boy, the world has just never been kind to him. I found him a few years later, more grown up and causing havoc on the streets. Sneaking into funerals and well...disturbing the rested. I took him under my care immediately and he's been here ever since, although he never outgrew that cold shell," Her tone became sadder,
"I see you've taken a liking to him, though, maybe that'll help." she said trying to sound cheerful.
"It's more than that." I said and she stared at me curiously.
"I love him." I said.
She smiled softly.
"Well, should we try to figure out your peculiarity now?" she asked. I nodded, secretly glad she broke the awkward silence. I can't believe I just told her that I loved him, but at the same time I wanted everybody to know. Enoch was so used to having people not care that when somebody did, it made him bitter. I wanted to change that about him. Or at least make it so he doesn't get bitter towards me.
"Well, let's start with the simple peculiarities." she said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Hm, fire, okay, have you ever been able to unexplainably set anything on fire?" she asked and I shook my head no.
"Okay, uh, next is water manipulation. How about that?" I shook My head no again.
"These are all too simple, if youre a rare peculiar it only figures you'd have a rare power, lets look a little further in the book." she suggested and i agreed, although i was seriously doubting i could do anything that cool, or i would of known by now.
We scrolled through pages until one caught My eye. I put My hand on it before she could keep flipping.
"Wait.." I said and started to read about it.

Biological manipulator-
Ability to control all aspects of a living creatures biological make up. This includes, but is not limited to, genetic alterations, physical distortion/augmentations, healing, disease, and biological functions. It said.
"This..this feels right." I said, not being able how to explain the feeling i got when i read it. It was like finding a missing piece to a puzzle you'd been working on for 16 years.
"Okay, lets try it out." she said.
"How?" I asked and she smiled.
"We'll need enochs help." she said as she got up and went to his door and i followed. She knocked and he opened. He seemed preoccupied and for some reason, I couldn't make eye contact. I felt my heart breaking as I thought about what Miss. Peregrine had told me.
"Enoch, we need one of your..creations." she said and he didn't even question it, as he went back to his table and picked something up.  For some reason I could only look when he was turned around.
After he had closed the door Miss. Peregrine looked at me.
"Are you alright Miss. Whalen?" she asked and I nodded.
We went into the room and she set the little thing Enoch had given her on the bed.
"I'm not sure how to do this." I said.
"Just focus on the object, focus on what you want it to do. Focus, evana." she said and I stared at it intensely. It meeting my gaze with what seemed like the same intensity. It almost gave me chills. I put all my focus into it. In my mind I envisioned it changing. It's arm twisting backwards, broken in many places, and then fixing itself. Popping itself back into place. I imagined it hard.
Even though I had pictured it in my head it was nothing like seeing it actually happen in real life.
Slowly but surely it's arm twisted backwards, bending in inhumane shapes. I was grossed out and incredibly proud at the same time.
'I'm doing this,' I thought to myself, "I'm making this happen." It was incredible and unbelievable at the same time. I stopped finally after it's arm was bended back in its correct shape.
"Did I hurt it?" I said frantically, after the feeling of bad-assness went down.
"No, dear. You didn't." Miss. Peregrine said and I let out a breath of relief.
The first thing that popped into my mind was I cant wait to show Enoch.


Hello angels yes super sorry abt the late update )~: but this ones better than the last at least !! Anyways I hope you like the story n also possible trigger warning
I might put some self harm in later in the story (it will most likely b jus scars but idk it was something I was considering so if ur sensitive to that stuff lmk) anyWAYZZZZ thank u for reading my babies I hart u

Odd (an Enoch o'connor fanfiction)  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя