I love you

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I'm running from something. It behind me and I can hear it's loud footsteps, but I can't see it. I feel it getting closer and I have no where to run. I start to scream. I scream for Enoch, and then Miss. Peregrine, and even Marissa. Nothing but silence. Then I'm grabbed and sucked under ground, buried alive. I try my hardest to get out. I'm banging on the top of the earth from where I'm trapped beneath it and then
I wake up.

I woke up screaming. Like violently, about to be murdered type screaming.
Enoch's warm hands touched my arm.
"Sh, sh, evana, sh. It was just a dream. You're okay." he held me. I realized I was in his bed. I didn't remember getting here but I didn't care, I was just glad he was next to me.
I didn't even know I was crying until I felt a tear fall and hit my arm.
"Y-you weren't there, Enoch. Nobody w-was. I was a-lone." I said, choking on my tears.
"I know, but I'm here now." he said.
I buried my head deeper in his chest.
"Please dont go anywhere." I said.
"As long as you dont." he responded. He ran his hands softly through my hair.
"You know what i just realized?" I asked.
"Hm?" he said.
"We've said we love each other but we've never actually said "i love you." to each other."
His body tensed when i said that.
"Evana..thats not something that i usually.." he trailed off. He didnt wanna finish because it would hurt me and he knew that.
I sighed.
"I know what happened to you, enoch, and Im so sorry. You deserve all the love in the world and i really wanna give it to you and i know its hard because of what happened but listen to me," i paused and sat up, "i dont have things in the real world. That jacob boy who left, you said he had a family, well, i dont. I have marissa but shes loved by a lot of other people and she'll do fine without me. You are all i have and want." I said and he seemed speechless.
"I just want you to be sure. I dont want to tell you how much i love you and let you do the same if youre just gonna-" he sighed.
"You know what Im sure about, enoch?" I said.
He stared at me expectantly.
"Im sure that i love you. Im sure that i would do anything and everything to prove it. Im sure of both of those things."
We sat in silence for a long time.
"Hey, do you have my phone?" I asked, suddenly remembering.
"I do. Do you want it back?" he asked.
"No, I just wanna take a picture." I said and he got out from underneath me so he could grab it.
"Let me take it." he said, once the phone was in his hands.
"Fine." I reluctantly agreed.
"Smile." he said and I stared at him.
He took the picture

 He took the picture

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"I love it." he said.
"Yeah, it's okay." I said, embarrassed.
"Why are you so hard on yourself?" he questioned.
"I could ask you the same thing." I responded.
"Because Im a bad person. Youre not." he said.
"Enoch youre not.."
He sighed.
"Do you wanna see something?" he asked after a minute.
"Of course." I answered eagerly.
"It might freak you out, though." he said.
"I don't care, show me." I said.
"Only if you're sure.." he said in his serious tone.
"I am." I insisted.
He grabbed a jar off his shelf and my hand and pulled me out the door.
We walked down the impossibly long hallway until we reached the very last door.
"I have a few rules about this. 1. Don't tell anybody I showed you this. Especially Miss. Peregrine. 2. Don't let anybody see you go inside of this room. It's kinda not allowed, and 3. I'm showing you this because I trust you, which really isn't a rule but more of a confession and yeah..." he trailed off.
He looked around even though it was early and everyone else was probably asleep, and then he opened the door.
I walked in the room and there was a bed in the middle of it.
It took me a second to realize there was a person on the bed.
Enoch went up to the person and started to unbotton his shirt a little bit.
He took something out of the jar and put it in the boys shirt.
It was quiet for a few seconds and then he started to wake up.
"Oi, who's disturbing me sleep, mate?" I heard the boy say.
"It's just me, victor." Enoch said.
"Oh, why didnt you say so, man? Its been quite some time since youve brought me back to chat. Whats up?" he said to enoch.
"I actually want to introduce you to somebody.." enoch said.
"Ooh, okay." victor responded.
I walked over to where Enoch was sitting.
"Hi, I'm evana." I said and I held out my hand. He didn't shake it or even acknowledge that it was there.
"A girl?" he said.
Enoch whispered in my ear.
"He's blind, he can't see your hand." and my face turned red.
"Yeah, a girl." Enoch said.
He grabbed my hand and held it.
"I bet she's pretty special. You've gotta be to have someone like Enoch fancy you." he said. My face got even redder.
"Oh, hush, victor." Enoch said.
"It's so nice to meet you." I said.
"It's very nice to meet you, too, darling. Although I wish the circumstances were different." he said. I didn't understand what he meant until it finally hit me. Victor was dead. Enoch had brought him back.
I squeezed Enoch's hand and he held mine tighter.
"Me too, but it's still such a pleasure. Enoch's told me a lot about you. He told me you were wonderful." I was lying. I don't know why I said that but It just felt like a nice thing to do.
"Well Enoch is my very best friend. Also unfortunately this is the first I'm hearing of you, but I hope you make Enoch happy. It's something he deserves but doesn't get very much." victor said.
Enoch hushed him and then made pointless conversation. Talking about all the other kids in the house and how brownwyn was specifically and how Miss. P was.
Pretty soon they were saying their goodbyes.
"Until next time, brother. Also it was nice to meet you, darling. I hope we get to talk again." Victor said and before I could say anything back he was gone again.
Enoch grabbed the heart, placed it back in the jar and then we left the room.
"What happened to him?" I said after we had left.
He sighed.
"Hollows." he answered blankly.
"What?" I asked.
"From the story about the wights, remember?" He asked.
I thought about the night he told me that story. I'm pretty sure that was the same night I got somewhat drunk with Marissa.
"Oh, yeah." I said. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I have you. I'm okay." he said.
We made our way back into his room.
"You know, I don't think I even need my own room, I could just stay in yours." I said, half jokingly.
"As much as I would love that, I don't think Miss. Peregrine would like the idea." he replied.
I fake pouted.
"Enoch." I said after a minute.
"Yeah?" he asked, not taking his focus off the jars he was looking at.
"Do you think what happened to victor is what happens to me in Horace's dream?" I asked.
"Don't talk like that." He said, his tone seeming angry.
"I'm sorry I'm just..scared." I said.
"I know, evana. But it's just a dream. I will never.." he paused, "nothing will happen to you as long as I am here. Ever." he said.
I walked up to him.
I pushed myself against him.
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking down at me.
"I just want to be next to you." I said, resting my head on him.
He kissed my forehead.
"Hey." he said.
"Hey." I responded.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you, Enoch." I said, my stomach swirling with butterflies.


Enona chapter❤️ also I've started my Enoch x Reader fanfic which is from the readers POV so that should be up tmrw, I love u guys

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