So close (rewrite)

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She grabbed my hand and my body tensed up.
I held hers back.
Her hands were so small in mine. She was so different compared to me, not just physically, but in every other possible way. She had less experience, less pain, less pessimism.
Not yet destroyed by the world.
"Enoch." she said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"What happened to you?" she asked, her voice soft.
"What do you mean?"
"I saw an article, from like forever ago, it said you were missing, but you're here. What happened?"

I let go of her hand.

"I have to go." I said.
"Wait, enoch, I'm sorry.. I didnt mean to pry I-" she started but i didnt give her a chance to finish.
I got up and started walking back towards the house. I was mad at myself immediately for letting my guard down, even just a little bit.


He got up and left, and I sat there on the rock for a minute.
I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt the wetness drop down to my legs.
The likelihood that I just ruined any progress me and Enoch had made was pretty high. It was stupid to pry when he barely knew me, and I barely knew him.

I got up and dusted myself off, walking back to the house, making sure enoch was already inside.
I didn't want him to see me upset, or I guess, I didn't want him to know he had the ability to upset me so much.
When I said I didn't get him, I meant it. He was so kind sometimes, as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside, and then it's gone in an instant. Like, he can just turn it on and off.
I had never met anyone like him in my life. It was infuriating, and while I hate to admit it, it was intriguing, too.

I walked inside and of course, Enoch and Miss. Peregrine just happened to be the first people I saw.
Enoch had the same bored expression on his face he had always had.
I hated that expression. I wished desperately to see him smile again, but I would never say that.

"Miss. Whalen! So very glad to see you, I didn't see you at lunch. I had almost began to think maybe you had gone home again."
She was always so cheery. It was refreshing and comforting in a way I never really got to experience in my childhood.
"I didn't! I mean, I wasn't. Hungry, I mean. I wasn't hungry." I put on my best fake smile for her.
"That's a shame," a pause, "I don't suppose you were out with Mr. O'connor?" she said and I froze.

"Well, yes, I was but he was just showing me th-" I started but Enoch cut me off. I was getting really tired of him cutting me off.

"I showed her the beach. It was nothing. It won't happen again, I'm gonna try and stay as far away from our 'guest' as I possibly can." he said. He refused to even look at me.

"Enoch, That's very rude. I thought you would've learned your lesson after yesterday." she frowned deeply at him.

"Why does it matter? It's not like she's gonna be staying with us. She's got a life outside of this loop, and she's better off there. She doesn't even know anything about being peculiar. She's about as useless as I am." he argued.

When I heard him say that, all my sadness turned to a bitter anger. I had been nothing but nice to him, and he insulted me? In front of the headmistress, no less.

"Enoch O'Connor! I've taught you better than to say such things. Apologize right now." she seemed shocked when she spoke to him, but I was starting to think this was just has Enoch was.
Enoch rolled his eyes and stormed upstairs, not saying a word to either of us.

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