Where am i (rewrite)

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I was calling marissas phone and she wasn't answering.


'hey marissa. It's me, um.. something happened. I mean, nothing bad but just, just call me.' i said into her voicemail and hung up quickly.
I opened my laptop back up and logged into Facebook. I was gonna message shane to see what he knew. Shane was marissas "boyfriend." so to speak. I'm not sure how exclusive they actually were but, it wasn't really my business to ask.

E- hey

S- hey
S- what's up

E- i actually had a weird question
E- the boy that asked about me at the party. you know him?

S- no. I've never seen him before. did he say I did?

E- no.. just curious. How did he hear about the party?

S- word usually gets around. Is everything alright, evana?

I didn't reply. The idea that maybe I was stressing to much popped into my head. So did the idea that maybe this was all some elaborate prank, but I quickly dismissed that one. It seemed too well thought out and well articulate to be planned by anybody I personally knew. Perhaps this boy was just an ordinary boy and i was driving myself crazy over nothing.

In between my constant thinking I realized I was starving. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten something. I decided to put all of this on pause and go bury my anxiety in some food. I got up and made my way to my car, unable to shake a feeling of dread that had washed over me since first doing my research on Enoch. I shook the thoughts from my head, drove to the nearest McDonald's and parked my car.
I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes before going inside, trying to gather myself and relax.

I walked inside the building and my arms erupted in goosebumps. I frowned and ignored it, walking up to the counter.
The boy waiting to serve me gave me an off vibe. He had sunglasses on and it was hardly bright inside or outside. 'That has to be some kind of code violation' I huffed to myself.
"Uh, hello? I said what can I get you?"
My eyes snapped up to look at him. His voice was way deeper than the age he looked to be, and it momentarily distracted me from my thoughts.
"A medium fry and a large sprite" I responded.
I handed him my card to pay and he looked at my name and smiled. Something about him was definitely not right.
He handed it back to me and I waited patiently for my food. Once I had it I turned around swiftly, planning to leave immediately and go back home when my eyes landed on a booth where none other than Enoch himself was sitting.
"You've gotta be shitting me." I said a little louder than meaning to.

Part of me didn't want to, but I was both a tiny bit pissed off and super confused, so of course I walked over to him.

"I've been expecting you." he said, not looking up from the book he had his face buried in.

"Are you like, fucking, stalking me or something? It's getting weird at this point. I've seen you twice just today. I don't understand what.." I trailed off, my words totally getting lost because of all the anger I was feeling.
He looked like he was almost about to laugh at me, which made me even more mad.
"You're never very hard to find." he replied simply.
"Why are you even looking? Are you like, obsessed with me or something?"
"I was told to." He said it as if it was that simple.
I paused.
"Told to? by who? did marissa put you up to this? It's not very funny." My anger was slowly decreasing and I almost felt a little bad for snapping on him. Almost. He was still stalking me, basically.
"Are you gonna sit?" he asked and reluctantly I decided I wanted to. He owed me answers.
I went to sit down across from him when I heard a Yelp.
"Hey, occupied!" A voice came from the seemingly empty seat.
"Who said that?" I asked Enoch.
He ignored me and addressed the seat directly.
"Millard, what have I told you about going places with me naked? You're gonna scare the girl off and it will be your blood on miss peregrines hands. Literally." he said and I sat there, still confused.
"Sorry." he mumbled and i almost fell over.
"I.. what the hell?" I said, staring intensely at enoch.
"This is millard." He said, pointing to the empty seat.
"Okay whatever joke you're trying to play on me, please just stop, because it's not very funny." I could feel my irritation building again.
"I can assure you he's not." the British accent came from where I could see no one.
I was utterly speechless.

"If you'd like me to explain, you'll have to come with us." Enoch said, trying to keep his voice quiet to avoid stares from the others in the restaurant.

"Fine, okay." I agreed, not because I wanted to, but only because I still had too many questions to leave unanswered.
"By the way, darling, I wouldn't eat those. After all, a wight gave them to you." said the boy who I still couldn't see.
"A what?"

"You'll see." said Enoch, in a serious tone.

We left the restaurant, after I threw away my food, not trusting the cashier and choosing to listen to Enoch and the invisible boy.
I told them my car was just out front, and we could take it wherever they wanted to show me.

Suddenly my phone rang.

"If you're gonna answer that, you'll wanna do it now. It won't work where we're going."
I didn't even bother to ask what that super creepy sentiment was supposed to mean as I slid my thumb across the screen and answered the call.

"Holy shit, Evana, I got your message. Are you okay? what happened?" It was marissa and she sounded very understandably worried. I wanted to explain to her what was going on except I barely had any idea myself, and I had Enoch waiting on me.
I told her everything was fine and I had to go because my phone was dying, but I would text her when I got a chance.
We hung up and I realized suddenly I was a little terrified. Yet, I had a feeling of trust towards Enoch. Insane, I know, but he had a calmness to him that kind of eased my anxiety in this uncomfortable and confusing situation.

I got in the car, looking over at Enoch and seeing the same cold look as always on his face. He was pretty. I wanted to tell him but I felt like it wasn't an appropriate time for such silly things.
We drove for a while, until Enoch directed me to stop. Apparently we had arrived where we were supposed to. It was a little out of town, about 70 minutes from where I lived.
"Are you guys going to.. am I gonna be murdered?" I blurted out.
A giggle came from the back seat but Enoch's expression remained the same.
We got out of the car, at the direction of Enoch yet again, and we started to walk. 
We walked until we reached what looked like a large piece of wood covering something that resembled a cave but a lot smaller.
"Are you gonna hide my body here or something?" I genuinely asked, which caused another fit of laughter from the invisible boy.
"We're testing something," Enoch said, "Millard go."
I couldn't see anything but I could hear his foot steps as I watched the large piece of wood move out of the way. Pretty soon it was placed back.
"My turn." Enoch said out loud.
"Uh...wait..what do I do?" I asked and he stared at me with a hard expression.
"You follow me." he said as if it was the dumbest question he's ever heard.
"Go in there?" I asked and then shook my head.
"It's okay, Evana." his voice was reassuring. It was also the first time he had ever called me by name. I had to admit, despite the confusion and fear and unanswered questions I felt like I had to listen to him.
He got down and crawled inside.
'Here goes nothing' I mumbled, and got down as soon as I saw his body disappear.

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