|| Past Memories ||

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Alice's POV

When I finished getting dressed I put my black vans on, and tied them. I'm not dressed properly. If Sophie thinks I'm going to get all dressed up for her, she's wrong. I'm just wearing a pair of ripped up dark blue skinny jeans, and a black shirt.

"Babe, are you sure you want to go?" Megan walks in our room looking gorgeous as always.

"If it will get her off my back, then yes" I laugh, she gives me this look though, "do you trust me?" I ask sadly

"Of course I do, but I don't trust her.. what's she's put you through." She tells me worriedly

"Babe, just trust me on this" I kiss her "i love you"

"I love you too"

I walk out the door and start up my car. I take a deep breathe, then drive.


I knock on her door, and a few seconds later, Sophie is opening up the door. She looks gorgeous.. but that's not going to change my mind about her.

"Heyyyy" she smiles and comes up for a hug, she smells good. But I don't hug her back, nor smile.


"Come in" she greets


"So I made chicken Parmesan, extra cheesy, just like how you use to like it" she chuckles a bit, and shows me where to sit.

She gets my food and hands it too me, and she sits across from me.

"How have you been?" She smiles while stuffing her face

"Good" I say boringly, playing with me food, "you?"

"I've been okay. You still in school?"


"That's good. And no, I dropped out while ago"

"Why" I asked

"Just not my thing" she shrugs


"Yeah... so who's the lady?"

"Hm?" I asked confused

"Your girlfriend?" She asks

"Ooh, her name is Megan" I smile thinking about her "she's great"

"That's good to hear" she looks sad but shakes it off



When we were finished eating, she took the dishes, and I roamed her house. There's a lot of pictures.

"This ones my favorite" I hear, it makes me jump a little, I look over to see Sophie pointing to a picture. I walk over to it, and it's a picture of us. We were on some beach, and she was on my back, kissing my cheek.

"Past memories" I nod.

"Good memories" she says

"Yeah.. well, I should get going." I tell her.

"Why so soon?" She walks over

"Don't want Megan to worry"

"Oh she'll be fine" she laughs, and comes even closer to me. "I miss you.." she pushes hair behind my ear. I'm frozen. Why can't I move? "I want you." She kisses my neck. I finally get the strength to stop her "what's wrong.. don't you miss me?" She asks

I look down, "Sophie, I have a girlfriend. I'm in love with her. Maybe if you weren't so god damn selfish, I'd still be in love with you. But you ruined that, you ruin everything. You broke my heart, and now your trying to fuck me. I don't know what's gotten into you, but it really needs to stop!" I tell her

She looked me in the eyes and said "I'm sorry.. but do me one favor.."

"What" I ask

"Look me in the eyes and tell me your in love with her. Tell me that you don't love me anymore. Tell me you don't give a fuck about me!" She yells "Tell me!" A tear runs down her rosey cheek

go on, tell her Alice. My mind begs. But I can't. I can't tell her that. Deep down, I know I will always fall for her, even though I try my hardest not to.

"Tell me!" She pushes me a bit, it scares me a little. What's gotten into her?

"I can't" I whisper "i got to go" I try to walk away but she grabs a hold of my arm and drags me back over to her, and crashes her lips onto mine. Get her off! MEGAN! WHAT ABOUT MEGAN?! Stop!

I can't.

I can't stop.


I push her off. "What's wrong with you?!" I wipe my lips off.

"You. Your what's wrong with me. Can't you see that, Alice? I just want you! I'm in love with you. And you know your still in love with me too." She cries.

"I hate you Sophie Wilson!"



Omg so I need to have a small rant, idk maybe some of you can relate/have some advice(?)

Okay, so I really, really, REALLY, like my one friend.. she's really nice and we always hug (which I'm in love with her freaking hugs) But there's this guy, and I think he's really bad for her (he's a complete asshole btw) I heard him over talking to this guy about wanting to "fuck" her, and I was really pissed off, so I had my best friend tell her cause he heard him say it too. So he told her that I over heard him talking about her, and she doesn't believe me. And now he 'touches' her AND SHE IS ALLOWING THIS DICK HEAD TOO >:0 and I'm afraid that she is going to get her heart broken and I have no clue on what to do, cause I really like her, and I don't want to see her get hurt but some douche.
SORRY, but I really needed to get that out ughhh🙍🏼😭

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