|| I Love You ||

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Sophie's POV

Me, Alice are hanging out at the movies, and after we are going out to eat. We are watching some scary movie, though I'm not paying that much attention since you already no I hate scary movies.

"You ok?" I head Paige whisper to me

"Yeah, haha" I laugh nervously quiet

"You sure?" She assures me

"Yeah, just not a fan of scary movies" I tell her

"Me neither" she says looking back

"Then why did you pick this as well?" I ask

"Alice seemed like she really wanted to see it, so I'm a nice person and agreed with her"

"Awwn that's sweet" I smiled with a chuckle and looked back at the movie with her.

*  *  *

After the movie we chilled outside and talked for a bit but Alice seemed to be.. Off? I don't know, but she is different. Paige decided that we should go to Applebee's since it was right a cross the street.

We order our food and drinks and kept talking, sadly Paige sat in the other side of us so she was kinda alone.

"You guys are a cute couple" she smiled

"Awww Thanks" I smiled, Paige smiled back. Alice got up and walked to the bathroom with out saying a word.

"What's wrong with her?" Paige asked

"I don't know, I'm going to go check on her, is that okay?" I asked her she nodded

I walked into the bathroom and she was at the sink staring at her reflection,

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked

"It's.... Her.... I wanna leave.. Like now" she said pausing at times

"Babe, we can't we just ordered, what's the hell is wrong with her?" I asked

"She keeps looking at you, like.." She stops

"Like what?!"

She shakes her head 'no'

I held her chin up to look at her "tell me" I said calmly

"Like she's in.. Love with you" she tells me lightly pushing my hand off of her

"Well I'm in love with you baby, not her. She's just a friend, she's just trying to be nice" I assure her. I want to smile because she is jealous of Paige, I haven't seen her jealous before and it makes me feel safe in a way.

She looks at me and smiles "I love you too" then I notice that we never told each other that before, I blush, "but she better just be trying to be nice," she says. We walk out and sit back down. Our food finally comes out a while after.

*  *  *

"I hope you know I don't like her and I am never hanging out with her again" Alice groans after dropping her off,

"Alice, calm down, your being over dramatic, she's only a friend" I tell her annoyed

"A friend that won't stop putting her hand on you" she states

"Last I checked you were just like that" I stated too

"Yeah well look at us now, we are together. You are MY girlfriend. You never know.. I could be replaced by that bitch" she hits the steering wheel.

"What did I tell you in the restrooms, Alice?" I ask her

She stops freaking and her face looks sad, she halts at a stop sign.

"Hmm?" I ask again.

"You love me" she whispers "I love you too" she tells me

I move over my seat and kiss her. I sit back and the rest of the car ride is quiet.

I love you

I love Alice

Alice loves me

I love her

She loves me

We arrived at her house and into her kitchen. There was a note on the table and she read it

"Alice, me and your father went out to get drinks, if we aren't home tonight, we will be at a hotel so we don't drink and drive. Stay out of trouble!! Love, mom" she pauses "They were probably fighting again" she yawns

I walk over and give her a hug "wanna head to bed, babe?" I ask

"Sure, ill get you some clothes and you can be finding a movie" she says walking up the stairs with me following behind.

She walks out of her closet with a oversized t-shirt that says 'Unsocial' with an alien on it.

No pants, I smile, she knows me so well.

"Is paper towns good?" I ask

"Yeah, Cara is so hot" she laughs, I give her a looks, kinda jealous but hiding it obviously "But not as hot as you princess" she pushes me in the bed and gets on top of me and leaving small cute kisses all over,

"I love your kisses" I laugh

"I love your hugs" she says

"I love you"

"I love you too"

She leaves a lingering kiss on my lips, then stops as the movie comes on. We both lean on her bed board while my head is rested on her shoulder and our hands intertwined.

Moments like these are to die for.



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It's like almost midnight, so good night everyone, have a good day / good night

:] xx

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