Chapter Thirty-Four- ...Beware My Power...

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If you guys love Jaina and what you've seen of her friends back in a galaxy far, far away, check out EUStrikeTeam, I just joined the page and they are dedicated to fighting for a continuation of their amazing story as an alternate universe alongside Rey, Finn, and Poe's story.

Honestly, I do like Rey and Finn and Poe, but if you had me choose, I prefer the Solo twins and Anakin Jr. to pasty white emo horror story Kylo Ren.

But anyway, YAY! LONG CHAPTER!

To start out her search, Jaina asked herself an important question.

"If I were a group of evil aliens from outer space, where would I go to hide my Earthling captives?"

The answer, of course, was back into space. 

"Where's the hyperdrive on this thing?" Jaina asked the bioship. She sat in M'gann's typical chair, the pilot's seat, with her hands on the two glowing orbs used to steer. They made it easier to communicate with the bioship, but it wasn't a perfect communication.

"What's a hyperdrive?" Jaina repeated the bioship's question. "The thing that makes you go at sub-light speeds!"

The bioship rumbled back in reply.

"None? Great." Jaina groaned. She slouched back in the seat and stared out the window. they were just passing the moon now, she could see the streak from her crash. 

"I hope they aren't too-"

The bioship interrupted, beeping loudly and accompanied by a flashing red light.

"What is it?"Jaina asked.

The bioship's windshield doubled as a computer screen, zooming in on an unnaturally dark, jagged structure on the dark side of the moon, not too far from Jaina's crash site. It gave off an unnaturally dark aura, unmistakably Silver and his friends. And Sinestro.

"That's it! Set a course!" She told the bioship. It turned on it's wingtip, heading for the new destination.

"ETA?" Jaina asked.

The bioship hummed again, and Jaina placed her palm on one of the glowing steering orbs. 

"I hope that's fast enough," she whispered to herself, prompting the bioship to go on autopilot and stay the course. She got out of the pilot's seat and sat down in the middle of the cabin, surrounded by the various parts of B-88.

"Here's hoping I remember the blueprints correctly," Jaina bit her lip, crossing her legs and closing her eyes for meditation. She reached out through the force, which felt thinner and thinner every minute. This would have to be quick.

Piece by piece, Jaina melded torn wires and flattened crumpled pieces of metal. Piece by piece, she connected the extendable arms back to the circular core. Piece by piece, she repaired the droid that she loved so much.

The bioship hummed again. They were five minutes to destination.

"Kriff," Jaina realized, "They've probably spotted us." Then she stopped herself. Batman had mentioned being suspicious that she was the only member of the team not captured. 

It was a trap.

"Well, if they want girl Lantern, that's what they're gonna get." She told herself.

"Voice Recognition, Jaina Solo." She said quickly, bending down so B-88's mic would pick it up. He whirred to life, the camera shutter in his one eye blinking back at her, taking Jaina in for a moment before rubbing himself against her legs like a hungry cat.

Sword of The LanternsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora