Chapter Twelve- The Force

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This is my favorite chapter so far.

Jaina stared at her hands

Who was she?

She looked up at the ceiling, falling flat on her back. This time, when the shadows covered her room and transported her to the middle of space, she wasn't scared.

In fact, she was slightly pissed as she turned to face Anakin.

"Who the heck are you?"

The blue ghost-form remained passive, even smiling as Jaina glared at him.

"I apologize for my hasty exit last time, apparently the force doesn't want me to tell you too much."

"And what the blast is the force!?" Jaina shouted again. Then she hastily slapped a hand over her mouth. She didn't want her teammates to barge into her room and ask her what was wrong and call her crazy for hallucinating.

Anakin reached out a hand toward her, and Jaina thought it would go through her, but it came to rest just above her shoulder. Looking down at it, she could see that it seemed to have a metallic sheen to it, unlike his other flesh-and-bone hand.

"You need to learn. I can't tell you why you're here or what plans the force has, but it wouldn't put this task in front of you if it knew that you could not achieve it. you have Hal and John, you have Aqualad and your new team, and you have me to help you."

Anakin chuckled to himself. "I wish I knew that I could trust my friends as much as you can yours before I died."

Jaina couldn't help it, she was curious. "How did you die?"

Anakin hovered in his cross-legged position once more, and again Jaina copied him. "A dark warrior named Vader killed me, after which I saw him murder so many people that I cared about, and very nearly my children as well, all to serve his dark master."

"Who's his dark master? Is Vader still alive?"

"So many questions." Anakin tilted his back, staring at something that wasn't there. "Was I really like this when you found me?"

The stars only twinkled in reply.

Jaina nervously tapped her fingers against her leg. "So...are you gonna teach me or not?"

"I am."

"Well what are we waiting for?"

"For you to be patient, first of all."

Jaina snapped her mouth shut.

"Don't worry about trying to impress me, you remind me of myself when I was a teenager. Patience is cumbersome, isn't it?"

All Jaina could do was nod. Anakin certainly knew more about her than she knew herself. Thanks amnesia.

"What are you going to teach me about?" She asked.

"You must understand, I can't give you any information about your past life. Otherwise..."

"We have one of those falling-outs we did last time?" Jaina jerked her thumb over her shoulder.

"Precisely." Anakin nodded once. "You must discover your past on your own."

Jaina crossed her arms and bit her lip. "Great."

"Now," Anakin ignored her attitude, "let's start with the force."

Jaina looked up, scooting forward eagerly. "Yes, let's."

"Do you remember the voice that advised you during your first training session with your team?"

"That was the force?" Jaina's eyes widened.

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