Chapter Thirty- Finding

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JAINA AESTHETIC!!! I'll take requests if you guys have 'em and/or want 'em!

Plon Major was a former Imperial Outpost with a governor that had almost been blackmailed into giving shelter to the Rebellion back in the days of the Empire

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Plon Major was a former Imperial Outpost with a governor that had almost been blackmailed into giving shelter to the Rebellion back in the days of the Empire. Now, like most systems, it had allied themselves with the New Republic. 

Still, with the governors of both Plon Major and Minor helping them, the young Jedi Knights could find or sense no trace of the Chief of State's daughter.

"You don't think anyone captured her, do you?" Jacen asked, jogging to keep up with Tenel Ka's long-legged pace.

"It is unlikely. There have not been any ransom demands, and it has been almost half of one standard revolution since she disappeared." Tenel Ka reasoned.

Lowie barked softly, as to not draw attention, and Zekk nodded.

"There weren't any demands when Brakiss took you guys either."

Jacen stopped so suddenly that Zekk nearly crashed into him. "You don't think it's the Sith again, do you?"

"No," Zekk said sharply. "Brakiss died when the Shadow Academy blew up. I felt it. Tenel Ka killed Tamith Kai herself, Vonda Ra died in the jungles of Kashyyk, and..." Zekk paused. "...I killed Vilas." 

Jacen winced at Zekk's tone, and Lowie was silent. 

"This...this is a fact." Tenel Ka said quietly, with an awkward cough.

The four young Jedi stood in the center of the sidewalk. People hardly stopped to ask them to move, and the waves of the crowd surged around them.

"Well," Jacen broke the awkward silence and looked towards the governor's palace. "Now where do we look?"

Zekk had their list of places to search memorized, but still he scrolled through the names on his datapad, hoping they'd missed one. 

He sighed in defeat. "We've looked everywhere in the galaxy, and General Solo and Master Skywalker themselves even scoured the old Imperial worlds. We still can't find her."

Lowie growled loudly, enough to make the majority of the pedestrians finally pause and glance quizzically at the Jedi before hurrying on with renewed vigor.

"I believe Master Lowbacca is correct," Em TeeDee said, floating around Lowie's head. "Where aren't you looking?"

"Nowhere! We've looked everywhere!" Zekk insisted, his eyes darting between Wookie and droid.

He felt a cool grip on his shoulder, and turned to face Tenel Ka.

"Friend Lowbacca is right. There is one special place we have forsaken to put our trust in.

"The force."

Jacen's eyes boggled. Tenel Ka? Being the first one to suggest putting trust in the force?

Tenel Ka caught the surprise from Zekk and Lowie as well. "I have learned from my past mistakes, and I hope you will too. Now, let us return to the Lightning Rod, where we may meditate in peace."

Zekk and the boys felt slightly embarrassed that they'd forgotten their most powerful ally. back on the Lightning Rod, they all found their private spots to think and be alone.

Zekk found it hard to meditate. He couldn't clear his mind enough, and he just kept sensing the thoughts and emotions from the others.  After an hour of trying to meditate, Zekk headed for the cockpit and began to plot their course home. As he sat in the pilot's seat, as always, but his eyes kept wandering over to the copilot's seat. Jaina's seat.

He ran his hand over the leather, trying to picture her shoulder under his steady hand. Lowie was a good copilot, felt wrong to replace Jaina with him.

Jacen appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. "Lemme guess, you couldn't meditate either?" He flashed the lopsided Solo grin.

Zekk shook his head. "I can't concentrate." 

Nodding knowingly, Jacen walked forward and leaned on the back of the copilot Zekk was touching.

Suddenly, in front of his eyes, Zekk saw something. A bright green-pink thread, pointing up to the sky. By the way Jacen stumbled backwards, he'd seen the same thing.

"Jaina-" Jacen gasped."

Zekk nodded. "Tell Lowie and Tenel Ka to strap in, then send a message to your parents.

"We know where to find Jaina."


Oa hadn't changed a bit. Still big. Still impressive. Still green, and still full of Lanterns. The four Green Lanterns and one Star Sapphire of earth were transporting Sinestro across the galaxy, and when they arrived, it seemed the entire Green Lantern corp came to meet them, along with Ganthet.

"Oh my, a Guardian has come to escort me personally to prison. What an honor this is!" Sinestro exclaimed for all to hear. Jaina would slap him if he wasn't contained within a layered bubble powered by multiple Lantern rings.

Without saying a word that would only encourage Sinestro, Ganthet waved his hand and the bubbles disappeared, replaced with one of his own power energy.

"Green Lanterns of Earth," He faced Jaina and her friends, "I will meet with you and the rest of the Guardians in the council room." Hal nodded for all of them, and the blue, big-headed Guardian floated away with Sinestro, who only grinned.

"I know we took him down by surprise, but that still feels too easy," Guy scoffed.

"It all feels like a trap," Jaina agreed.

"Come on guys, you're being paranoid," Hal said.

"Hopefully you can figure it out without me," Carol said.


"I have to go meet with the other Star Sapphires on the planet Zamaron," Carol smiled and Jaina and gave her a big hug. "Keep an eye on Hal for me, okay? Make sure he doesn't start an interplanetary war."

"That was one time! Guy's started three!" Hal protested while Guy was busy laughing at him.

Carol kissed Hal's cheek. "I'll see all of you back on Earth," She waved good-bye, and then she was just a pink comet in space.

"Come on, Jay-Jay," Guy cracked his knuckles. "Let's see what you're made of."

Jaina couldn't get Sinestro's smile out of her head, his voice repeating the mantra over and over in her head and blocking out any connection that she had with Anakin. 

She put on a smile and stretched, pulling her sword out of her ring.

"Yes, let's."

To everyone who wanted a Young Justice Season Three: we've got it! Though you've probably heard this a hundred times over by the time this chapter gets out, multiple sources have confirmed a third season of Young Justice coming out soon, either on CN (ew no) or Netflix. :) :) :)  I'm so happy!!!

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