Chapter Eight- Violet Blade

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It was hard not to pick up on Jaina's melancholy attitude as she left the atmosphere with John and Hal, heading for the moon.

"Jaina, you okay?" Hal asked, flying closer to her. He kept his arms at his sides as he flew, and Jaina did too. John opted to keep his hands out in front of him, his ring always prepared, just in case.

Jaina shrugged, looking away, at the endless stars. "I guess."

"Doesn't sound okay to me." Hal flew around to her other side. Whenever she turned her head, he was there. She couldn't loose him.

"Ugh!" Jaina groaned, exasperated. "Fine! I don't understand." she told him at last.

"Don't understand what?" John asked, adjusting flight so that he and Hal were on either side of Jaina as they landed a couple yards from her ship.

"Why do I have to stay at Mount Justice?" Jaina asked, heading for the busted craft.

"Where else would you stay?" Hal asked, examining the engines that were technology far beyond any he'd seen on Earth.

Jaina blushed, opening the cockpit. The green aura that acted as her life support-slash-pressure suit also lit up the cabin of the ship, letting her see.

"I don't know." she admitted at last. "I guess I thought I'd still be with you guys."

Her ring scanned a few symbols, beeping a negative, as John's had, when it couldn't recognize them.

Hal chuckled, still trying to see if they could salvage and repair the ship. Perhaps Batman and Red Tornado would have a few ideas. "We don't exactly have room for you at our homes." He walked up to Jaina and squeezed her shoulder, wondering what Carol would think of the headstrong brunette. "But if we did, you'd be more than welcome to stay with me."

"Besides, you'll have more fun with Superboy, Miss Martian, and Zatanna than you will with grumpy old bachelors like us." John suppiled, pointing his thumb at the Lantern symbol on his chest.

Jaina smiled. "Thanks. I'm sorry for being such a brat."

"It's just fine." John told her, sliding what looked like an emergency pack over his shoulder. "We just forget that you've forgotten a lot. We'll try and remember in the future."

"Good. But I will remind you if you forget." Jaina threatened jokingly, holding her ring under her chin like a flashlight to cast scary shadows.

With a huge, playful grin, Jaina took a tool belt lying on the pilot's seat, securing it around her waist over her green uniform. Instantly she felt more at ease, especially with a particularly long object hanging down that banged against her leg. She'd been missing this, and she didn't even know it. No doubt her passion was mechanics and tool work.

"Hey, Jaina," Hal was staring at her belt, "What's that?" He pointed at a cylindrical metal item, the thing banging against Jaina's leg.

It was mostly silver-colored, with a hollow opening. There was black rubber used for gripping it, it was big enough that you needed two hands to hold it properly, unless you were skilled enough. It attached to the belt with a powerful magnet that seemed to be specifically crafted for it. No doubt Jaina had fashioned the magnet herself. It also had a magnificent array of buttons, but the functions that they served were hanging at the edges of Jaina's mind, just beyond reach.

She detached the large cylinder, rolling it in her palms. It had a familiar weight, a comfortable feel.

Her finger hovered over the biggest button. "I think this turns it on-"

Hal jumped to the side as Jaina pressed the button, creating a brilliant, violet laser beam.

Any suggestions for Jaina's voice actress? It helps with my brainstorming.

Sorry for the short chapter :3 xoxo

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