Chapter Twenty-Nine- Sinestro

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Green and pink raced across the sky. Neither could tell who wanted to win more. Both were enraged, and felt as if they could power the entire Red Lantern Corp on their own.

"Have you ever fought him before?" Girl Lantern shouted as the wind rushed past.

Star Sapphire nodded, staring coldly in the direction of their destination. "Don't let him know you're scared."

Jaina grinned to herself, facing the yellow glowing spot on the mountains.

"Don't worry, I'm not."

They were closing in on him, but he was just floating there, like he had before

"Sinestro!" Jaina shouted.

He hardly flinched at her tone.

"You put those mines there, didn't you?" Jaina shouted.

"How did you guess?" The red-skinned alien drawled. His voice wasn't the spooky, danger-imminent-sounding voice Jaina had imagined. He sounded like Silver had. Confident, calm, almost kind, but with a hidden edge. That in itself was almost scary, but Jaina would not allow herself to be scared.

She opened her mouth to launch another accusation, but Carol calmly held out her hand, motioning for Jaina to be silent.

"How did you escape, Sinestro?" She asked, charging up her ring. She was the only one of them would be able to do any real damage to the Yellow Lantern. Jaina had forgotten it, but the Green Lantern rings were powerless against the color yellow. That was exactly why Sinestro had chosen to make his corps that very color.

"Where are your friends, the Shadows? We understand that they captured you."

Sinestro shrugged. "I escaped. Is that to hard to believe?"

Jaina grinned. "He's lying, they're in league with each other, with Silver! I know they are!"

Sinestro's brow furrowed, forgetting his confident act. "Who is this 'Silver'?"

"That's what he calls himself, anyway," Jaina amended. "He's one of the Shadows who "captured" you, or pretended to, anyway. He was there in Tamba too. Are you guys still trying to capture more kids-"

"Please, slow down, my dear," Sinestro waved his hand, and Jaina's mouth shut, seemingly of its own accord. 

"Yes, we are after the children. Does that answer your question? The Earth is so many people with truly untapped potential. We only wish to help them release it." Sinestro continued, his tone patronizing.

Jaina tried to point out that kidnapping people to help them wouldn't quite work out, but her mouth shut again as Sinestro pinched his fingers together.

"And as for Silver, I assume you meant Brakiss."

Sinestro talked with his hands, going on and on about how this "Brakiss" character was a little pompous, but quite a genius, and how he and his friends brought untold wonder from worlds far, far away. He was so busy monologuing, that he didn't notice Jaina's reaction. 

But Carol did.

"Jaina?" She whispered, hoping Sinestro would stay distracted.

Jaina took deep, heavy breaths as she held her head in her hands. Her sudden fear overcame her, and her ring dropped her on the mountainside, where she shrank to her knees.

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