Chapter Twenty-Two- Shadows

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For those of you wondering what her ship looks like: (media)

I sometimes forget how many chapters this has.

"What're you doing?" 

Jaina stood up, hitting her head on the cockpit roof.

"What are you doing?" She demanded in return, flying over to Connor so that she could look him in the eye. Sphere rolled around her, beeping like an excited puppy to see Jaina.

Superboy glared. "Batman made me come and get you. It's late and we have school tomorrow. What were you doing?"

Jaina sighed, looking back over at her ship. "The other day, Mister Campbell told us about the big midterm project we're going to have in mechanics. I was hoping to get some ideas from my ship."

"You know Batman doesn't want you in here."

Jaina gave an unladylike snort. "It's my ship. He can keep it here, but he can't keep me from it."

Connor stared at the ship. "Does Batman know about your force powers?"

"I don't exactly tell him everything that happens in my life."

"You don't have to." Connor told her, almost as an afterthought.

Jaina shook her head. "You're all a bunch of cowards. I mean, the guy dresses up like a big nocturnal rodent every night and he's got an immature sidekick named after a bird, and none of you think he's at least a little crazy?"

Connor didn't answer.

Jaina snorted and walked back over to her ship. "Kriffing force...

"Did they find anything on Superman?" She asked, attempting to be polite when Connor didn't answer.

It took Connor a while to answer, but after a while came the defeated "No."

Jaina dove back into the cockpit, while Connor watched from the doorway. Eventually, she felt his presence fade away. Just as she pulled out a memory card from the ship's computer, she felt someone else approaching. Someone much calmer and gentler.

"Are you going to stay in there all night?"

"Maybe," Jaina joked, using the multitool from her belt to pry off a couple of portable power cells. She gathered up the pieces she'd collected and dumped them in a bag she'd made from her ring.

"Do you need any help?" Kaldur asked.

"Nah, I got it."

"It's no problem-" Kaldur reached out to grab the bag, but the green mana disappeared, and the pieces clattered to the floor.

Jaina laughed. "It only works if I'm holding it, silly." She waved her hand, using the force to pick up the spare parts and put them in a new bag.

"My apologies," Kaldur flushed.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," Jaina blurted out.

Now both of them were pink-cheeked.

"You two lovebirds coming or what?" Wally shouted from down the hall.

"Okay," Jaina lit up her ring, "that's it!"

She flew down the hall- dropping the pieces in Kaldur's arms, and moment's later Wally's girlish screams echoed through the Watchtower.


"She is following us."


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