Chapter Twenty-Three- Innovation

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we've hit 5K.

The cave wasn't totally beat up, but like Jaina, it was pretty shaken. Half the equipment in the exercise room needed to be replaced, the books in the library needed to be re-shelved, the kitchen needed an upgrade, and Wally needed a more secure spot for all his souvenirs.

"I don't see what the big deal is, Wally," Jaina said, tying her hair back as Zatanna and M'gann handed out the cleaning supplies. When Kaldur called in the rest of the team for help with clean-up, Wally had dramatically thrown himself over the souvenirs littered across the trophy room floor and pretended to sob.

"Just ignore him, and he'll stop," Artemis promised, grabbing a broom and following after Superboy.

Zatanna knelt down at Wally's side and pointed at the shattered pieces of a mask.

"Riaper," She whispered. In a shower of sparks, the mask had joined back together, good as new.

Wally didn't even fake a sob. "Thanks, Zee." In the blink of an eye, the rest of his souvenirs had been placed back on the shelf.

Jaina tossed a broom to him. "Now will you help us fix up our headquarters? I'll make some protective display cases for them if they're that important to you."

"Really?" Wally's eyes shone as he looked up at Jaina with an expectant smile.

"Maybe that could be your project," Zatanna suggested, waving her hand at a section of wall, which molded back together.

Jaina shook her head. "Not as original as I'd like." She lamented. "Make sure Kid Mouth pulls his weight, Kaldur needs me in the garage."

In the garage, Kaldur was using his water bearers to hold back the water trying to flood in. Jaina used her ring and shoved rubble into the cracks half-hazardly, but her ring reinforced the wall and confirmed the stability.

"I reported your suspicions to Batman. He promised to investigate, though he admits that the Shadows surfaced more suspiciously than most members of the League, and he cannot deduce where they many have received their abilities. " He told her as they did a routine check-up on the generator.

"Thanks, Kal," Jaina sighed, "I don't know what I would do without you."

They worked in companionable silence, only interrupted by the grunts and cries of frustration from their teammates that echoed through the cave. The Justice League could have helped, but Batman had a squad on lookout for the Shadows and Sinestro and the rest of the League was on the hunt for Superman or protecting their respective cities.

Jaina had Wolf fetch her tool belt from her room, enjoying the work with her hands. Wolf and Sphere walked back and forth between the two, watching curiously and offering encouraging nose-bumps while Lantern and Aqualad worked.

Jaina's ring and Sphere both scanned the generator, confirming it as repaired before Kaldur flipped the switch, throwing the mountain back to its regular glory.

"Hallelujah let there be light!" Wally cried. Jaina laughed.

"He is funny, sometimes." She admitted. "I wish I could remember who he reminds me of."

"If you do not mind me prying, who do I remind you of?" Kaldur asked.

Jaina shook her head as Sphere butted her leg. "I told you, I wish I could remember."

She remembered her conversation with Liisa earlier. Well, now was as good a time as she was going to get.

"Hey, Kal? This is kind of weird, but..." She definitely wasn't the best with words.

"Yes?" Kaldur asked. To her relief, he sounded just as nervous as she felt.

"What is it you guys call it? When a guy and a girl...go out?"

"A date?" Asked a smart-alecky voice from the vent.

Jaina ripped off the covering with the force and there were Robin and Zatanna, squished into the air duct side-by-side.

"You two are gonna get yourselves into a heap of trouble one day," Jaina shook her head.

Zatanna waved her hands frantically. "We're not listening! We're not even here!" empty promises were not going to work on Jaina.

"Now ask him out, quick! Before you lose the moment!" Zatanna pointed back to Kaldur, who watched the whole thing with an endearing smile.

"Fine," Jaina huffed at the team's two youngest members. "Kaldur, will you go out on" She looked back to Zatanna for confirmation. Zee nodded proudly.

"A date. Will you go out on a date with me?"

"It would be my pleasure." Kaldur gave a little bow, and Jaina relaxed with relief.

Sphere squealed loudly, rolling in circles around the two and trying to bump them closer together.

"Okay, okay girl, now calm down!" Jaina laughed, flying out of reach. Sphere beeped mournfully, her fun spoiled.

"Hey, wait a minute," Jaina landed next to Sphere, staring at her console like staring deep into someone's eyes.

"I know what I'm gonna do for my project now!"

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