Temari Sells Out Gaara

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"Are you sure you're ok? That nightmare seemed extremely intense." Gaara said as we walked down the streets of Suna. I was sooooooooo happy to be back home. A five day trip was long enough for me. (The sand cloud ride shaved off about one whole day)

"It's fine Gaara-Kun. It was just a foolish dream, I mean it's normal for a person to have nightmares!" I said in a cheery voice.

"I don't know Kiyomi, you were shouting and crying in your sleep. Are you sure it's ok? You would probably feel better if you told me." Gaara went on.

"Gaara-Kun do I look upset?" I asked as I stepped out in front of him and spread out my arms with a smile.

"Alright, I just thought you'd want to tell me. It just seems like you were bothered a while after you awoke." Gaara said as he walked around me. We were walking back to the Kazekage's mansion so Gaara could give me my earnings, and mark down that the mission was a success.

"Don't sweat it Gaara!" I said as I wrapped an arm around his neck. "I'm perfectly fine!" The truth was, I was actually kinda bothered and shaken. I was scarred once before when I first experienced it, but the dream seemed a million times worse.

When my clan was first assassinated, the killer did the job quickly and when I appeared, the killer was mysteriously gone. In my dream, the killer approached me, and I was so damn close to seeing the culprit's face and finding out who it was. I always wanted to know who did it, yet I always thought I would be better off not knowing. However, if I ever found out I would give that murderer a piece of their mind.

Gaara shrugged as we kept walking down the streets. It was bright and sunny. So Gaara-Kun, what are you going to do once you get back home?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm not doing anything. Maybe file a bit of paper work, and sort out more missions. My duties as Kazekage need me when I get back." Gaara answered.

"Oh." I said sounding a bit disappointed. I didn't want to leave Gaara so soon.

"What are you doing when you get back to the alleys?" Gaara asked as he turned and looked at me.

"I guess Rin will kick my ass, tell me to buy food, when I return she will tell me how she had to go on so many missions to buy her own food, then complain about how life was so hard without me for five days, and then I will ignore her and eat all the food." I said with a smile and glanced at my stomach. "Me hungry..." I said with a sad face.

"Hey Gaara-Kun, can we stop for food?" I asked as I pulled on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Gaara asked as he looked puzzled.

"Can we..." I made a hand gesture for we. "Go and stop for food...?" I said gesturing as if I were eating off of a plate. "Food, you put it in your mouth and then your hunger magically disappears!" I said with a lot of excitement.

Gaara chuckled. "Sure."

We then walked to the market to buy something to eat.

When Gaara and Kiyomi got back to the Kazekage mansion...

"I'm cooking food... In a pot... On a stove..... La la la la la la... La... I'm thinking of the words to the song as I go along.... I don't know why I'm singing..." I was singing as I was boiling water on the stove. I gasped as I thought of another song. "I'm singing... And I'm cooking... I'm cooking and I'm singing!!!" Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around with chop sticks in my hand.

"Hope you don't mind me asking Kiyomi-chan, but why are you singing?" Temari asked.

"Why wouldn't I be singing? Because I'm cooking... Duh!" I said as I turned around and glared at the water that still wasn't boiling.

Temari laughed. "You sure are a funny one. Gaara could use a girl like that."

"What do you mean, 'Gaara could use a girl like that'?" I asked as I whipped around to face Temari.

"You can't tell me you don't have a crush on him? Just about every girl in the village loves him." Temari explained. "I'm saying Gaara could use a girl with humor like yours, and cleverness, not to mention good looks."

I blushed. "What?" I said my face growing red. "You think I would be the perfect girlfriend for Gaara-Kun?" I said feeling very weird. I didn't really trust Temari too much. I've met her a few times before but we never became best friends or anything like that.

She laughed. "To tell ya the truth, I think Gaara likes you... A lot. He always talks about you, and seems so different when he's around you. It's like he comes out of that blank expression of his and becomes a whole new guy who is always happy."

I smiled and blushed as a tear came to my eye. I never thought Gaara liked me that way. "You mean, Gaara might love me?" I asked as I shuffled my feet.

"I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure he does." Temari said with a. Smile. "Now I better let you get back to cooking, your water looks like it's about to boil over."

"Oh shit!" I said as I turned around and turned down the flame. "Hey," I said stopping Temari before she left.

"Yeah Kiyomi?" She asked as she turned to look at me.

"I uh... Do have a little crush on Gaara-Kun." I confessed.

Temari laughed. "No offense Kiyomi, but it is kinda obvious. Gaara just can't tell."

"Oh..." I said as my eyes grew wide.

"Don't worry, about it." Temari said as she turned around again. "I'm positive Gaara loves you."

I stood there thinking about what Temari told me. I then smiled. It felt nice knowing that the one you loved could love you back.

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