A Surprising Trip Back to Suna

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"We can take our time and just walk." Gaara said as we started walking back to Suna.

"Well that's a relief!" I said with a single laugh. "I can't wait to get home and relax." I said as I stretched out my arms, and looked to Gaara.

"You don't have a home..." Gaara said as he looked at me funny.

I chuckled. "Well... The alleys are home to me, and Rin and I sleep on top of the rooftops of the buildings when it's a beautiful night, and if I must, I can make a sand shelter to protect me and Rin." I knew that wasn't Gaara's ideal thought of a home, but to me, no place in the world is more hommie than that.

"I guess I never thought of it that way." Gaara said as he looked ahead and kept walking down the dirt path. There was an awkward silence and then all of a sudden, Gaara just asked me a random question from out of the blue. "You... You can control sand better than me... Can't you?" Gaara asked.

I stopped and looked at him. "Yes." I said as I closed my eyes. "My clan can control sand but I was different from the others." I said. "Most people in my clan would use this to attack and fight, but I would use it to make sand sculptures, and create art. such as sand sculptures that would turn rock solid. I remembered how I used to always make sand roses..." I confessed.

"So you had a gift, within a gift." Gaara said as he looked to me.

I stood there blinking. "I guess you could say that... but it's more like a gift within a curse." I said as I began walking. "Enough about me, what about you gaara-sama? Is there anything interesting you should tell me?"

"Not really." Gaara said as he stared straight ahead. I knew that meant, "There is so many interesting things about me but it's best if you didn't know." I understood, if he didn't want to talk he didn't have to, and he had his secrets and I had mine.

After a long time of walking, I caught a glimpse of something shining by the ground as the sun reflected off of it. "GAARA!" I shouted as I reached out for him, trying to keep him from tripping the wire.

"What?" He said but it was too late. His foot tipped a string, and a huge net scooped the both of us up, and we were dangling ten feet above the ground. Gaara and I were trapped from a net made of chakra strings, someone had set up not too long ago.

"Damn." I whispered. "I'm so sorry Gaara-sama, I should of alerted you sooner." I apologized.

"It's fine." He said as he grew bright red. He must of found it strange that we were so close together, our legs basically smashed into each other I could basically hear every breath he took.

"No it's all my fault, I noticed it and didn't tell you till it was too late." I said as I hung my head in shame. Just then, I came up with an idea. I then looked above Gaara, and tried to reach over his head where I saw the knot that tied the net to a huge rope. He grew an even brighter shade of red as I was stretching out over him to reach the rope, his face close to my chest.

"K-Kiyomi... W-what are you doing?" He asked with his voice sounding a bit shaky.

"I'm trying to see where the net is connected to the rope, so I can cut it with a sand knife." I explained as I examined the rope. "I'm sorry if this feels uncomfortable, but it will only take a minute."

He didn't reply, or comment, which meant he was too embarrassed to speak, but I couldn't blame him. I then settled back down and let out a breath. "I know where to cut it." I said and turned to see the ground below me, as I lifted my hands and the sand flowed in my hand and formed a blade.

I then stretched out again over Gaara and cut the rope, sending Gaara plummeting to the ground as I held onto the rope for dear life. My eyes were shut tight as I was scared to let go, and I could feel the rope unravel. Gaara caught himself as he was falling and landed on his feet and stood up quickly. He looked up at me, and the rope snapped under my weight and I landed into his arms.

I held on tight to Gaara. "Don't drop me Gaara-sama" I said shakily and after a minute I opened my eyes, realizing I didn't fall but was caught by Gaara. I blushed so bright, my whole face was red.

Gaara let me down, and I brushed myself off. I was so embarrassed I shrunk under his gaze, and my whole face was red. "I-I'm sorry G-Gaara-sama."

"It's fine Kiyomi." Gaara said as his face went back to it's usual tan color. "I just wonder who set up the trap, and why."

"Yeah, was it for us, or was it for someone else?" I asked even though I knew Gaara wouldn't have a clue.

"I don't know, but there will most likely be more traps so keep your eyes peeled." Gaara said as he looked around, probably checking to make sure it was clear.

"I know how we can avoid the traps and quickly get back to Suna Gaara-sama." I said with a bright smile.

"What is it Kiyomi?" Gaara asked as he looked at me.

"Why don't we ride those sand clouds back to Suna?" I explained.

"I guess, but there isn't enough sand for the both of us to have our own cloud. Most of the ground here is dirt and mud."

"Well you have sand in that gourd don't you?" I asked as I pointed to the gourd he always carried around on his back.

"yeah, but only enough for one cloud." Gaara said and then he began to sweat. "Would you want to.... ride it with me... Kiyomi?" Gaara said bashfully.

"I would love that Gaara-sama!" I said as I leaped and gave him a hug. Gaara then formed the cloud and grabbed my hand as we got on. Gaara had to wrap his arm around my waist to make sure I didn't fall. I placed my hands on his chest as I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

I could feel Gaara's heartbeat that seemed like it was racing. Gaara probably wasn't used to girls doing this so he probably was a bit embarrassed. Just then I gritted my teeth at the thought of what Rin would say if she saw this. Damn it Rin! I thought. I hate it when she's right... except this time was an exception... she was right, I did love Gaara.

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