Team Four Reunited!

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Kiyomi's POV

"Good morning Gaara!" I exclaimed as I entered the Kazekage's office. Gaara kept it very neat and had everything in neat piles or placed in shelves neatly. I found this strange since Naruto talked about how the fifth Hokage's mansion was not very orderly and had stacks of papers scattered everywhere.

"Kiyomi, what are you doing here?" Gaara asked as his eyes left the paper he was reading to glance upon me.

"Well I haven't seen you in days! I also decided I would give up the life as a wicked, evil criminal and would take my duty as a shinobi of the Sand! I would like a mission, Kazekage Gaara!" I said as I held my head up high and smiled real big.

"I'm glad to hear that Kiyomi, but-"

"I'm a registered Chūnin!" I said happily as I cut him off. "I'm qualified to take part in missions!

"I understand but you have no ninja team."

I stood their silent. "Well I used to be a part of Team 4 before Rin and I became thieves." I said quietly. "We had one more person in our team... that was kito and he died of illness a few years ago." I said as I looked up at him. "I know you need atleast three people for a true team, but Rin and I will just go with our sensei, Akinori Sensei."

"As much as I would love to assign you a mission, it would have to be up to Akinori sensei to approve of the team being formed again." Gaara explained as he set the papers down on the desk.

"Well can you ask him? I'd like to be assigned missions so I may give up being a thief and earn money to purchase my food rather than smuggle." I said as I begged Gaara. "Please, I beg of you!"

"I will see to it, and let you know as soon as I have a word with Akinori." Gaara said as he looked at me with a hopeful smile.

"Oh thank you Gaara!" I said as I jumped the desk and gave Gaara a huge hug. I was so grateful to him. I may have been just your common thief but somehow I became the Kazekage's friend and that means a lot to me.

"You're welcome..." He said as he tried to push me off. I understood if he felt weird, he probably usually didn't let girls hug him.

"Well, see ya later Gaara Sama!" I said as I waved goodbye but just as I was about to leave I heard Gaara speak.

"You know, I'm glad you've decided to become a ninja again instead of a thief." He said as he blushed a bit.

I smiled at him. "Me too! You certainly do know how to make a person change!" I said as I left the Kazekage's mansion.

Later that morning...

"What did the Kazekage say?" Rin asked me as I returned to the alley. I told Rin earlier today I would try to have us become a team once again. Surprisingly she agreed.

"He said he'd talk to our old sensei, Akinori." I said with a grin, and sat down in my usual spot. I really hoped Akinori would agree.

"I must say, I miss being a ninja." Rin said as she looked out at the streets. I could tell she longed to be a ninja once again as well!

"Me too..." I agreed as I glanced by the Kazekage's mansion. Wondering what Gaara was saying to Akinori as we speak.

"You really like him, don't you?" Rin said as she sat next to me. "I mean he must of been pretty special to you since he made you decide to become a ninja again on your own free will." Rin snickered at me. "Seems like Kiyomi's got a little crush!"

"Well... He's Kazekage and I'd hate to be any trouble for him." I began as I smiled and looked to her. I tried to ignore her remark about me having a crush on the Kazekage.

"Because you love him!" Rin joked as she giggled. I knew she always took every chance she had to tease me.

"Shut up!" I said as I shot her a glance and chucked a hand full of sand at her. Her jokes always made me a bit angry, but the anger usually blew off a split second later.

"Hello Kiyomi." I heard a voice and looked up. I was for certain it was Akinori sensei, but to my surprise it wasn't. Instead it was... Gaara!

My heart began racing fast as I saw him, but then I realized Akinori was not with him. I then felt like all hope left my body and my heart began to ache but I tried to hide my disappointment. "Gaara! But... I thought you had work to do as Kazekage?" I said as my eyes grew bright. "And where's Akinori?"

"Akinori won't be able to make it, he is doing missions with his own team. And I did have some stuff to do but I have a very experienced shinobi carrying out my duties while I'm gone. I wanted to help form a true team for your mission." Gaara said with a smile. "You are looking at your new member!" He said with bright green eyes.

"Does that mean..." Rin said as she stood up with her eyes wide, and a huge smile formed on her face.

"Yep!" I said excited as I shot up and gave Gaara a huge hug again. I could hear- No -feel his steady heartbeat. I felt a warm feeling come over me and a tear came to my eye. "Team four is reunited!

Just a common thief (Gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now