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Birth name: Kiyomi Tanaka

Gender: female

D.O.B: 10/06

Age: 15 - 17

Zodiac: Libra

Clan: Tanaka

Height: 163 cm (5 ft, 4 in)

Weight: 49.695 kg (110 lbs)

Eye color: blue

Hair color: light blond

Village: Suna (Hidden Sand)

Nature type: earth

Ninja rank: chunin

Team/partner: Rin Hino

Strengths: agility, defense, flexibility, speed, and sand

Weaknesses: consistency, focus

Likes: just about all food, using her own sand jutsu, training, stealing, and the nighttime

Dislikes: getting caught stealing, bugs, boredom, and mud.

Appearance: lean body, fish netting on her legs waist and arms, a red belly shirt that ends just below her breasts, short red skirt with tan shorts an inch or two below the skirt, chunin level sandals, Hidden Sand Village head band around her waist, three gold hoop earrings on each ear, long blond hair that is worn down to her waist, and a special clan necklace around her neck.

Personality: quite sneaky, usually pretty cheerful, can be quite funny, very loving, a bit curious, may not seem like it but she can be very smart, always brave, is extremely tough, always loyal, and can get stubborn.

Comrades: Rin Hino, Naruto Uzumaki, and Gaara of the Desert

Crush: Kazekage Gaara of the Desert

Father- Hideo Tanaka (deceased)
Mother- Kokoa Tanaka (deceased)

Short bio: Was born 10/06 to mother Kakoa, and father Hideo Tanaka. Went to ninja school and became genin, and later chunin. Just when she was about to become genin, her whole clan was mysteriously wiped out. Because of this, she has no where to live, and so she lives on the streets. One day she bumps into a girl (Rin Hino) from her class who is also an orphan and the two become partners. Rin (being a thief) convinces Kiyomi to also become a thief. The two rob local markets to survive when Kiyomi is caught and brought to see Gaara, and the two become friends.

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