The Knuckle Head Ninja!

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"What's it like being Kazekage?" I asked Gaara as we were walking in the desert.

"Well it's a lot of responsibility and you need to put the village before yourself. Most of it is sorting out missions, and determining punishments along with coming up with invasion plans, and forming teams of ninja."

"Oh." I said. "Sounds like a lot of work."

"If you're devoted to it, it's not work, you think of it more as a giant ninja mission, a mission to keep your village safe and in order."

"I see." I said "you must enjoy all the attention you get. I mean, I've heard you're popular with the ladies!" I said as I wrapped an arm around his neck in a friendly gesture.

He chuckled. "It gets very annoying." He answered.

"Hey Gaara!" I heard a raspy voice I didn't recognize.

"Naruto?" Gaara said as some blond haired boy in orange and black clothing with a Hidden Leaf Village ninja band on his forehead ran up to me and Gaara.

"It's been a while!" The blond boy said.

"What are you doing here Naruto?"

"I'm on break for about a week, so I thought I'd come visit!" Naruto said.

'This must be the knuckle head ninja everyone talks about...' I said in my mind.

"Hey Gaara who's your girlfriend? Are you on a date or something?" Naruto said scratching his head.

I blushed a bit.

"This is Kiyomi, she' a thief from my village." Gaara said sounding like I was a bad person.

"Well you make it sound like I'm a criminal!" I said blushing.

"Because you are," Gaara began. "I usually lock up people who steal."

'Then why didn't you lock me up?' I thought in my mind.

"So what did she do?"

"Rob local vendors..." Gaara said in a serious tone.

"That's not bad!" Naruto said as he walked up to me and looked like he was examining my whole face.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong with my face?" I said as I could smell his breath which smelled of pork ramen.

He chuckled. "I didn't think it was possible, but you're like a million times prettier than Sakura!" He said with a funny voice.

Gaara blushed a bit.

"Hey Gaara, why are you blushing?" Naruto said as he elbowed Gaara in the ribs.

'This is definitely the knuckle head ninja of the leaf...' I thought.

"So Gaara, are you on a date with Kiyomi?"

"We were just on a walk, so I could talk to her to ease any tension between us. It is my duty a Kazakage to make sure my people are pleased with me."

"Sure..." Naruto said. "She's a keeper." I heard Naruto whisper in Gaara's ear.

"Naruto could you please leave me and Kiyomi alone?"

"Ok, just stay out of trouble, and I don't wanna see any wondering hands... Got it Gaara."

"Naruto, please leave." Gaara said sounding like he was irritated by his old friend.

"Ok, catch you later Gaara!" Naruto said as he head towards the Sand Village.

"He must be the knuckle head ninja, correct?" I asked Gaara.

"Yeah, he is." Gaara said with a smile as we went on with our walk.

Just a common thief (Gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now