TRFS - S1 - TPRP - Elizabella - C2

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My Babies' Daddy

DING DONG! My door bell went off. Casey, my maid, answered the door and let Jonathon and Bianca in. Bianca could not believe that she was to meet the princess, by the look on her face. Bianca was of a slight build, though her belly was big. "It's so good to meet you face to face." I said as I got up from the couch.

"Your Bella?" She asked me, "Short for Elizabella?"

"Yes, on both." Her jaw dropped. "Casey, can you be a doll and tell the army to come in, though to be quiet. The kids need their sleep."

"Of course my Lady." Casey said as she went over to the phone, called them up and waited for my next orders.

The door bell rang again and twelve people walked in; three hair stylists, three make-up artists, three dress coordinators, two manicure-and-pedicure-ists, and my Royal Personal Assistant.

As we were dressed, made-up and pampered, Jon was getting the same, but he was such a wuss. "Jon, if you don't let them put make-up on you, then you can say goodbye to the apartment." I said to him smuggly, I knew he wanted that apartment, but it was funny to see when he resigned himself to the fact that if he didn't do it, he was giving up a better apartment to live in.

"King Mahamed Abdul, his Queen Alicie Abdul, His Royal Prince Mahamed Abdul Jr., His Royal Prince Juan, Her Royal Princess Aleesia Abdul, and, His Royal Prince Juan Abdul Jr., are all going to be in attendance. They have accepted the truce and are enjoying the North Wing currently. I have personally delivered a copy of 'The Hard Facts' newspaper to His Royal Prince Mahamed Abdul Jr. as you have requested." And she went through the announcements of who is in attendance, and who is not.

By the time my P.A. was finished we were almost done. Bianca was loose-jointed, because she just had the best foot massage from the pedicure-ist. "You have to go and see the other guests, I should be out as soon as all the guests have arrived." I told Jon and Bianca.

They nodded and left, Bianca had to be held up by Jon as they left. He really did like her.

After they left, I checked in on the children, Casey was sitting in the corner of the room, holding an asleep Cup Cake and reading to sleepy Punkin and Pussy Cat.

As soon as she finished reading the book, she gave the girl's a kiss on the forehead, and Tyler too. She put him in his crib in my room and came out, she blushed when she saw me. "You are really good with the kids." I said.

"Well, I hope to have kids some day." She said while absently rubbing her flat stomach.

"Well, I gotta go, I will see you at the end of the night."

She nodded and walked away to her husband, Cassius, my personal chef. I walked out my door and down the corridor behind the staircase and went to the old elavator, My P.A. came in with me and we went up to the floor that was two up from the ground level. My P.A. announced that everyone was down on the ground level waiting for me, when I was ready I began my descent to the ballroom where my guests were gathered, on the way down, I got a text message from my babies' daddy, 'wher u @?'

I sent a message back, 'jst hedn down 2 my 21st birthday party y?'

'we need 2 talk about us.'

'dere z no us, dere z only me.'

'y didnt u tel me i woz gonna b a dad?'

'coz u made it clear d@ u wantd nuthn 2 do wiv me.'

'how can i not want anithn 2 do wiv u? u r my baby momma!'

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