thirty-nine | chloe&adam

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The Ducks, Chloe and her friends spent the rest of the day at the theme park.

Averman predicted that 5 people would throw up that day, Dean predicted 6 and Luis predicted 3. Chloe said that whoever got the right guess would get $10.

In the end, Averman was right: Goldberg, Charlie, Audrey, Luke and himself.

Luis and Dean weren't happy, so Adam agreed to buy them both soda.

Adam, Chloe and her friends got an uber back to Chloe's house, and the rest of them got picked up after that.

Adam and Chloe were now alone in Chloe's house. Adam was raiding the fridge for snacks, whilst Chloe was getting popcorn and drinks ready.

"What're we gonna watch?" Adam asked, taking out a bar of chocolate.
Chloe lifted herself up and sat on her kitchen counter. She shrugged. "I don't know, whatever looks good and is on Netflix."

Adam shut the fridge after getting out a few more snacks and put them down on the kitchen table. He walked over to Chloe and smiled.

Chloe smiled back and leaned down to kiss him.

"This is gonna be a great night." Adam said, after he pulled away.
Chloe chuckled and jumped back down onto the floor. "You might wanna watch how you word some things."

Adam grinned. "I know how it sounded."
Chloe gasped and playfully slapped Adam's arm. "Careful, Banksy."

Chloe and Adam made their way up the stairs and into Chloe's room once they had everything they wanted.

Chloe shut her door and Adam looked around her room in awe. There were white lights hanging from her black bed headrest. Her wall was white and her desk was black.

He looked at the pictures she had of celebrities on her wall, then walked over to her makeup. "You've got a lot of makeup." Adam remarked.

Chloe made an 'mhm' noise. "I hardly use any of it though."
Adam chuckled. "What's the point of having it all then?"
Chloe shrugged and flopped onto her bed and placed her laptop on her stomach. "They're all so nice - I can't get rid of any of them."

Adam grinned and ran over to Chloe's bed. He dived over her and into the empty space beside her.

Chloe squealed when she was bounced into the air slightly. She clung onto her laptop and gave her boyfriend a glare. "Adam, my laptop!"

Adam playfully rolled his eyes. "You really like your laptop."
Chloe nodded and typed in her password before putting it aside. "Do you know what I like more?" She asked.

Adam raised an eyebrow as Chloe smirked. "You."

Adam smirked. He put his hands on Chloe's hips and swiftly pulled her off her side and on top of him.

Chloe giggled and slapped his hands off her hips, but Adam put them back on there.

Chloe playfully rolled her eyes.
"Give me a kiss." Adam said with a grin.

Chloe shook her head.
Adam pouted. "Why not?"

Chloe smirked and tried not to laugh. "I don't want to."
Adam cocked a brow. "Why don't you want to?"

Chloe turned to her laptop and smiled. She jumped off Adam and rolled back to where she previously was.

She laid on her side with her back facing Adam. "Because I need to log into Netflix."

Adam shuffled closer to her until their bodies were pressed together and wrapped his arms around her.

"Well, hurry up. I want a kiss."

Chloe purposely took her time logging in. Adam groaned. "Now you're just teasing me."

Once Chloe had logged in, she hummed to herself. "What shall we watch? A show or a movie?"

"Show." Adam replied.
"Which one though," Chloe grinned. "there's just so many."

"Oh, come on, Chloe!" Adam whined.
"How does Full House sound?" Chloe asked.

Adam frantically nodded. "Yes, that's great-"
Chloe shook her head. She was trying to hard to stop herself from laughing. "I've changed my mind."

Chloe heard Adam let out another frustrated groan.

"How does The Office sound?" Chloe questioned.
"Perfect. Now let's-"
Chloe hummed. "It's so hard to choose. Full House is funny, but then again, so is The Office..."

Adam sighed and pushed himself up. He harshly pulled Chloe up, too.

The couple were both sat there, with their faces only inches apart. "I vote The Office." Adam said. "Now how about that kiss?"

"Me too." She grinned, before leaning in and pecking his lips.

Adam stared at Chloe in shock as she turned her back on him and lied on her stomach. She put her laptop in front of her and clicked on The Office.

"Was that it?" Adam questioned as he laid himself down beside her.
Chloe turned to him and smirked. "If you're well behaved, then maybe you'll get something a little more than that."

Adam's eyes lit up. Chloe laughed and shook her head. "Don't go that far, Adam."

Adam fake pouted as Chloe popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth with a smirk.

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