twenty-eight | chloe&adam

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Luckily, Chloe and friends' seats weren't too far away from where Connie had told them to go, so it wasn't too much trouble getting back to where they were supposed to sit.

Everyone cheered as Iceland players entered the ice rink, but Chloe stayed silent. She was trying to see if there was any sign of the familiar red and blue kit, but she couldn't see any.

"Wait," Riley asked, hitting Chloe's arm.
"Isn't that Luis?" Riley asked.
Chloe furrowed her brows. "Where?"

Riley pointed out and Chloe and her friends followed her finger.
Riley was right. Luis was stood at the front, with the rest of his team behind him, in a completely different kit.

Chloe saw the symbol on the front of his jersey and smiled.
Audrey loudly hit the glass, catching Luis attention. He turned to see Chloe and her friends stood there with smiles on their faces.

He smirked and tutted his head at him before Gordon told him it's time to get out on the ice.

Luis began to lead his team out onto the rink and the minute Chloe saw Adam, she didn't even hesitate to shout his name.


Adam turned his head in the direction of where the sound was coming from. He could've sworn his heart stopped for a second when his eyes came across Chloe - she looked even more beautiful in real life.

Adam was too star struck and shocked to say anything back. He had slowed down, which caught Gordon's attention.

Gordon put his hand on Adam's shoulder and patted it. "Let's play, kid."
Adam turned back to see Gordon and slowly nodded.

He turned back once more, and Chloe waved with a large smile plastered across her lips.

Once Adam was on the rink, he searched for Charlie. He saw him skating at the front with Luis, so Adam sped up to talk to him.

"Hey, Charlie!" Adam called out over the loud cheers from the crowd.
Charlie turned around. "Oh, hey, man. What's up?"

"Did you know that Chloe was here?!"
Charlie smirked and nodded. "We all did, apart from you, of course."

Luis, who was skating with Charlie, chuckled. "It was a surprise, man."
Adam wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He turned his head to see if Chloe and her friends were still there, but they weren't.

"She's not there anymore!" He exclaimed, turning back to Charlie and Luis. "Where's she sitting."

"Third row." Luis said.
"Three rows from where Connie told her to go." Charlie added.

"Connie?" Adam repeated.
Charlie nodded and grinned. "If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have seen her until the end of the game."

Adam didn't know what to say.
Luis laughed and patted Adam on the back. "Aw, he's speechless." He mocked.

Adam scoffed and pushed him away. "Cut it out, man."
Charlie and Luis chuckled and shared grins.

"Alright, team, bring it in!" Gordon yelled.


Chloe and her friends sat themselves back down as they began to hear the Ducks chant.

When the crowd began to chant with them, Chloe and her friends joined in.

They stood up again when "We Will Rock You" began to play, but instead of the word 'rock', it was 'quack.'

Chloe and Riley watched as Goldberg danced before the game soon began.

The Iceland team were still trying to knock Team USA over, but it was as if they were now invincible.

Guy passed the puck to Connie and she scored.
Everyone cheered as Chloe jumped up and clapped.

"Go, Connie!" Audrey cheered.

"Team USA still down 2 goals and trying to get back in it. Stahl takes a shot and a diving save by Goldberg!"

Averman had the puck and as he was skating away from Goldberg, he lost it, and Stahl hit the puck into the back of the Ducks' net.

"5-2... they can do this." Addison whispered.

Chloe's eyes widened as Dwayne hollered, "Al-ee-oop, boys!"

The hockey players stopped and watched the puck fly through the air.
Adam skated towards it once it landed back on the ice but tripped before he could touch the puck.

Nevertheless, the puck ended up in the back of the net and everyone cheered.

When Adam got up, he came skating towards the boards in front of the seats a couple of rows in front of Chloe. He took off his helmet and waved, before putting it back on.

Chloe's cheeks heated up and she had to look at the ground to hide it, but Jake noticed.

"Aw, look at Chloe!" He laughed.
Her friends began to chuckle as Riley patted her on the back. "Someone's gone red!"

"Play continues here in the final period. The hitting has picked up, but the Ducks are hanging in there. However, they're still down by two goals with time running out. Bodies flying all over the ice. The puck is in the Ducks' zone!"

"Here's Mendoza on a breakaway - he can really fly!"

"Go, Luis, go!" Chloe cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled.

Luis skated away from the Iceland players and into the Iceland zone.
"He's gotta be the fastest on the team." Daniel said.
Luke nodded. "For sure, man."

"He can't stop, though!" Addison stated.
Chloe bit her lip and watched as Luis made his way towards the Iceland goalie.

To everyone's surprise, Luis turned the side and stopped, covering the goalie in shaven parts of ice.

"I stopped!" Luis said to himself.

"Put it in, Luis!" Gordon yelled.

Luis tapped the puck into the net and the crowd jumped up.
"He did it! He stopped!" Daniel cheered.

Chloe laughed as she watched Luis throw his arms in the air, clearly surprised that he managed to stop.

"Luis Mendoza scores with two minutes left and the Ducks trail by one!"

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