twenty-nine | chloe

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Chloe looked over to Adam, who happened to be staring at her and she grinned, giving him a mini clap - which was only for Adam.

Audrey watched as Gordon squatted beside Russ.
"They're sending in Russ!" Audrey said, excitedly.

"I saw about his Knucklepuck in the newspaper the other day." Jake told her. "It looks sick!"

Russ went to get the puck from the boards, only to be bombarded by three Iceland players, one in which Fulton knocked to the ground and started to attack.

Gordon called time out and Chloe watched as the team skated over.

After about two minutes, the referee ordered everyone to take their places back on the rink.

Chloe and her friends waited impatiently, eagerly waiting to see what Gordon and Charlie came up with.

"GO DUCKS!" The Ducks chorused.

"Time running out here in the third period. The Ducks with the puck. They're still down by a goal. They're back in their own zone. I don't know why they're not moving it up to centre ice. They have to attack!"

"What're they doing?" Daniel asked as he furrowed his brows.

"The clock is ticking. Iceland with a one goal lead."

"Alright! Guy, now!" Chloe heard Gordon order.

Guy skated away from Goldberg, but still saying in their zone. He passed it to Luis, who began to skate back towards Goldberg and behind the net.

Luis started on the attack, but passed it back to Goldberg.

"What the hell?" Daniel whispered.

"He gave it to the goaltender: Goldberg. Wait, it's not Goldberg!"

"That's Russ!" Chloe exclaimed, hitting Riley.
Riley winced. "Ah, yeah, ouch! I can see!"

The group watched as Russ teed up the puck and swung his hockey stick high into the air.

He hit the puck and Jake watched it fly in awe. "Now that's cool!"

The crowd jumped up and cheered once the commentator announced that the game was now tied.

Chloe cupped her hands over her mouth and cheered. "Go, Ducks!"


"So the championship comes down to a shootout. Each time picks five of their best. One-on-one with the goalie. No rebounds. Best of five shots wins it all. What a way to end it!"

"Adam better have a shot to impress his girlfriend!" Daniel teased. Chloe leaned over Riley and slapped his arm. "Shut up," She laughed.

Jesse was the first to shoot and score, followed by number 74 on the Iceland team, making it 1-1.

Next was Guy, who successfully scored. Goldberg saved the next shot by the Iceland player, making Chloe and her friends cheer and applaud Goldberg.

Dwayne was afterwards. He skated towards the net, showing off his fancy skills with the puck, before shooting at the net.

Unfortunately, he missed, and Sanderson scored, making it equal again.

Fulton was up next. Chloe and the Ducks already knew he was going to score with the shot he had. They were right. In fact, he hit the puck so hard that it knocked the goalie to the cold, hard ground.

Iceland scored again, making it 3-3.

Adam was the 4th member of the team to head out onto the ice.

Chloe's friends looked at her with anticipation, but Chloe didn't look back. She kept her eyes glued on Adam as he examined his wrist.

He looked up to see Chloe looking at him, and he smirked.

Adam took a deep breath in before beginning to skate towards the net. He slowly made his way up to the goalie and caught him off guard by doing a false shot, before hitting the puck into the other side of the net.

Chloe threw her arms up in the air and cheered as Adam scored. He took his helmet off and faced her again, with the same smirk on his lips.

It was now 4-3 to the Ducks, and it was Gunner Stahl's turn to shoot for Iceland. If he missed this, then the Ducks win.

"In a surprise move, Bombay has gone to his bench and sends out Julie Gaffney to replace Goldberg! She'll face Gunner Stahl. I don't know about this move by Bombay - putting in a cold goaltender to face the leading score in the tournament."

Chloe scoffed. "What does this jerk know?"
Audrey nodded. "Yeah, she can do this!"

"But hang onto your hats! Here we go! If Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney stops Gunner Stahl, the USA win!"

Julie watched intently as Gunner began to skate towards her, mumbling every move he made to herself.

Gunner Stahl stopped and swung back.

The stadium fell silent as Julie reached out her arm and fell into the splits.
Chloe's heart was racing as Julie stayed still.

Julie then jumped up and dropped the puck out of her glove and in front of her.

"Yes, Julie!" Audrey yelled, breaking the silence.
Everyone cheered as Julie skated away from the net and passed Gunner, who couldn't believe what just happened.

The Ducks jumped over the bench and skated onto the rink and up to Julie. They all hugged and congratulated one another.

Chloe watched with a smile on her face as Connie collided with Julie and knocked her onto the ice. They both laughed and Connie helped her up, before pulling her into a hug.

Chloe's eyes then came across Adam. Who had joined in with his team in throwing off their helmets. Her heart lifted at the sight of him - he looked so happy.

Audrey pulled Chloe and Daniel into a side hug, before pulling away and hugging the rest of her friends.

Chloe tightly hugged Luke. He smiled at her once they pulled away. "They won!" He said, excitedly.

Chloe jumped up and down. "I know, I know!" She squealed.

Once the Ducks had shook the Iceland players' hands, they headed back to the changing rooms and the team began to leave the stadium.

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