Chapter 6-Take Me There

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AGH. I wrote this chapte in like, 3 and 1/2 hours and I feel pretty accomplished . I mean, by the time I post this it'll have been a week or so since I wrote it but still; I hope you enjoy

As we walked side-by-side the conversation didn't slow. We chattered about pretty much everything. He told me that his father job had moved them down here his sophomore years ago. He had picked ODP back up after the head coach had secured him a spot on the Louisiana division. He also told me that his older sister beth had been accepted to Jocelyne's in New York and was currently pursuing her dreams of becoming a professional ballet dancer.

"So, how's your old man?" he asked.

"He's good. Keeping busy with the college teams and all." He nodded.

"That's good to hear." We continue to walk until we hit a huge street, filled with modern two-story houses. I let out a low whistle at the imposing sizing. Granted my house was huge with vast lawns and huge rooms but these houses just looked imposing.

"Huge, huh? I was surprised when I found out coach lived here to. who knew his teachers salary paid so much." I laugh at that because I had to agree.

"I think you'll get picked as captain." He says suddenly, turning to face me, a stern look on his handsome.

"I don't think so. Most of the guys dislike me because i'm even on the team. Could you imagine if I got the captain spot? There'd be hell to pay." but this small fact doesn't seem to deter him.

"Who cares? Some of the boys may act like assholes but they aren't stupid. They know an amazing player when they see one and they're going to pick the strongest player, no matter if they like the person or not." I look down at my shoes. I guess he was right. I mean, that's how I pick captains. For their strength and willingness to lead. Sure I had been captain on my fair share of teams but it didn'tmean I wanted to be captain of a team that hardly accepted me as it was. Chance tilted my chin up to face him and looked me square in the eyes;

"Trust me Sammy. I know these boys an I know you. You're probably the strongest player and person I know and I'd be shocked if you weren't picked as captain. You can whip those boys back into shape and lead the team to victory. Granted you won't beat Northridge but you'll still beat the other teams." He grinned cheekily at me and I grabbed his wrist, pinching the skin there. He yelped a bit but still grinned.

"It's so like you to say something so nice then be an ass good job Chance." I rolled my eyes at his still grinning face.

"Stop smiling idiot" I nudged his arm but he just winked at me:

"Oh Sammy baby, you haven't changed a bit." I elbowed him in the ribs, blushing at his choice of vocabulary.

"Please. Harvey might get pissed if you call me 'baby' again." I said sarcastically. What did I care about Harvey?

"Jesus fuck Harveys already gotten to you to? I honestly thought you were smarter than that Sammy baby." I scowled at him and he just smirked

"Nah. Harvey is the ring leader of the boys that don't like me; I think he has some unresolved mummy issues that he's taking out on me." Chance chuckled.

"He does. His mom's a huge feminist and ran off to live with her yoga instructor a several years ago because she was tired of 'fulfilling her husbands marital fantasies of her being the perfect stay at home trophy wife'. She was a pretty cool women." I laughed at this.

"She sounds badarse. Although I still don't really feel bad about spraining his nose." Chances jaw dropped wide."

"You hit him?"

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