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A little thing I came across. Okay, so maybe it was Paigey that told me about it but whatever. It asks for elaborations on stuff about any current writing project you may be working on or have finished. They are down there. *points*

The gist is to do a question per day...which I will try to do. Probably forget but I'll get to them all eventually. I hope to start off with Inner Demon, so if you haven't read all of it, there may be spoilers ahead. I'll also add information on Act of a Demon and Calathus. Those will avoid spoilers up to what has been posted, so, again, if not up--to--date with those stories, there may be some things spoiled for you. 


P.S. I changed some of the questions (and stole some from x_Luminious_x) 'cause sometimes what was being asked was stupid or pointless. In my opinion. Yup. Question 9-30 are the altered ones. 

                         Feel free to do this with your own works! :D

               You can copy and paste from the Table of Contents page.

1: Title of current project and backstory of title

2: Genre(s) of story explained in detail

3: Explain your POV and style used

4: Describe your inspiration and what message you wish to bring across

5: Main character bio

6: Main villain bio

7: A third important character bio

8: Descriptions of all the other important characters

9: Talk about your main character and what motivates him/her

10: Talk about your villain and what motivates him/her

11: Your favorite character to write about and why

12: Talk about a character’s action(s) that surprised you

13: Which character do you think is a fan favorite and why?

14: Which character is most like you?

15: List canon relationships between your characters

16: List fan made relationships between your characters

17: Explain the main plot

18: Describe the setting

19: Post the first sentence of the story

20: Biggest twist(s)

21: Most exciting battle or confrontation

22: Talk about a plot point(s) you’re really excited to write

23: Talk about a plot point(s) that has been removed from the story

24: Ten best things about your story

25: Ten things you could improve

26: At what stage of editing/writing are you?

27: Pretend you're a critic and give a fair, concise criticism

28: How often do you write and in what environment?

29: What type of scenes are your favorite to write?

30: Free talk about your writing

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