Day 22. Exciting Plot Points

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22: Talk about a plot point(s) you’re really excited to write

Inner Demon

Well…I remember being excited for the story to finally get to the demon world. All the fun stuff was going to happen there, and new mysteries and secrets were going to unfold, setting out the pathways for the second book.

Act of a Demon

I just finished the story yesterday—from when I’m writing this—but as I was writing it, I was excited to get to the part where Mundus revealed the Aqua Oscura fountain to Reyna. I felt it was not only an “OMG” moment, but it was also going to be a very vulnerable moment for Mundus, exposing a side of him that hasn’t been seen that much.


I can’t say too much without revealing spoilers, but I am pretty excited to reveal…a villain. *gasp*

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