Chapter 9:

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A few months had passed since the

fight between Cameron and my

Father, and things were going


Kind of.

Today was the second time I had

missed my period. I didn't say

anything but I'm sure Cameron

knew it hadn't arrived, as he kept

making these subtle hints about the

menstrual cycle. Today I decided I

would take a test. I didn't want to

but I needed to know the truth

sooner rather than later. Of course,

I preferred the latter, but common

sense told me better.

That morning I had woken up and

stumbled downstairs, half awake,

half sleeping. I saw my Dad

pretending like he had made the

breakfast and not got the food

specially ordered from the café

down the street. [I had moved back

in with my Daddy], I went over to

hug him as he handed me my daily

orange juice "Good morning sleepy

head". I giggled at him in-between

yawns. I was always fairly quiet

when it came down to my Dad. I

loved to observe him. He's actions,

though he never seemed to realise

it, amused me greatly. I was

watching him eating and smirking

to myself over how silly he was,

when something horrible, utterly

horrible, happened...

I emptied out the contents of my

stomach all over my plate. I looked

at my Dad and burst into tears

saying "I'm sorry. I am so sorry" I

got up and ran up the stairs as fast

as I could, not caring about

anything but the fact that I had

potentially disappointed my whole

family. Everything happened so

quickly, my dad wasn't given the

opportunity to really contemplate

what had just happened. A few

minutes later I heard him leave the

kitchen and make his way up to my

room. I was on my bed crying, I

wasn't entirely sure as to why I

was crying, I just knew the tears

streaming down my face wouldn't

stop. My Dad entered the room and

sat down quietly at the foot of my

bed asking "Is there anything you

wanna talk to me about?" I sat up

nodding my eyes red from crying I

wiped my face on my blanket and

began, "I missed my period last

month, and this month too, I'm

scared and I don't wanna tell

Cameron because he might hate me

and I don't wanna tell Mom

because she will be mad at me And

I didn't want to tell you because

you might put me out." I said it all

so fast before you knew it I was

having a panic attack and crying

holding onto my Dad, He rubbed

my back saying "Everything is fine,

I'm not putting you out and you

don't know for sure, it could be

something else, so let's get dressed

and I'll take you to the doctor." I

nodded and let out a sigh of relief

as I finally managed to stop crying.

I hugged him tight getting up going

to my closet.

After a quick shower, I was dressed

and ready to go to the doctor. My

dad came into my room, informing

me that he had spoken to the

doctor's office... and my Mom. I

whimpered before nodding and

quietly telling him "Alright...... I'm


The doctor's office wasn't that far

from Dad's apartment so it didn't

take us long to arrive there. As it

was a Saturday and a particularly

slow day, I got called in almost

immediately. I requested my Dad

stay with me the whole time. I held

his hand tight as we waited for the

doctor to enter the room; It wasn't

till he showed up that I really

realized how I relived I was about

not having to go through this

experience by myself. The Doctor

asked me some questions about the

events that led up to this day, I was

uncormtable by his questioning,

but nonetheless I answered them

anyways. When he was done with

his initial assessment, he gave me a

pregnancy test. Dad stood outside

while this took place. Minutes

passed, and I watched the clock,

avoiding choking on my tears.

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